Coaching Articles
Don’t Give Up On Your Business
By Dr Elijah Clark
The best thing that you can do for your “failing” business is sit back and develop a plan and strategy for success.
Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy
By Dr Elijah Clark
Techniques and strategies for creating a digital marketing strategy
Developing a Marketing Plan
By Dr Elijah Clark
To develop a marketing plan, you should create an actual strategy that can be followed to implement the plan.
Life and Comparison
By Vasudha Jha
“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” ~Steve Furtick
The Power of Change: does change sets you in motion or paralyses you?
“Change is a threat when done to me, but an opportunity when done by me.” - Rosabeth Moss Kanter. What's your perspective?
God vs. the Law of Attraction?
Does God fit in with the teachings of "The Secret" and The Law of Attraction?
How to Find Your Own Voice
By Bev Janisch
By the time we reach our adult years, many of us have a whole crowd of other people's opinions living in our heads.
How to Establish Boundaries in Your Life
By Bev Janisch
Many women have difficulty establishing boundaries, especially if we've never learned how to create them. This article shares a 3-step process.
How to Help Others Without Suffering From Burn Out
By Bev Janisch
Many women love to help others. We often give too much and then feel stressed, resentful and not appreciated. Here's some tips to prevent that.