Coaching Articles
Is hypnosis a real mind process? It’s the question that has divided people in the last hundred years. The significant therapeutic results had achieved
Is That Possible? By K. Daqrouq
Why we feel very sad from time to time? Why we prefer to be the sea wave while we can be the wind that makes these waves?Why some people are stronger
10 Ideas for Managing Distractions & Creating More Focus
By Mark Langford
10 Suggestions on how to move past distractions and to move forward in your life and career.
6 Steps to Influence: Get what you need from your manager
By Glenn Case
Your manager plays a pivotal role in your success. Take these steps to ensure you're maximizing the support of your manager to get what you need!
Understanding in any Relationship
By Julie Homsy
Understanding others and yourself so you can have a great relationship with other people.
Where Does Inspiration Really Come From?
Have you ever wondered what inspiration is all about?
Where to Begin?
Most people are looking for change of some kind. In this article I share 7 simple steps to give you a starting point. What do you really want?
You Are Who God Says You Are
By Cathy Fraser
If we always listen to what others tell us, the media, the enemy, or even ourselves; we often are going to hear things that are just NOT true.