Coaching Articles
Flexible Working – Why You Should At Least Consider It
By Julie Smith
Flexible working is not just about working part-time, or a short-term fix. Used sensibly, it can increase productivity and engagement.
Staying Human in the Workplace
By Julie Smith
Is there a version of you at work that is different to how you are at home? Is work life out of sync with your values and beliefs?
You Just Landed a Job! Now What?
You just found out you landed the job you wanted with a new organization and find yourself thinking about what you need to do to prepare.
Don’t let your leadership be out of date
By Sanjay Mistry
As we enter the next phase, from feedback it is apparent that many leaders are still operating in the same manner with which they did previously.
What If He Isn't Really a Jerk?
Men are expected to live up to conflicting standards of masculinity but are not given the tools and resources necessary to achieve balance.
5 Things That Women Want From Men Other Than Chocolate and Flowers
We women aren't really that hard to figure out...
Healing with Art Therapy
By Diana Elizabeth Martinovich
Given the freedom to express herself with art rather than words, the client opens up
Top 2 Reason Executives Fail Their Company
By Dr Michael Burks Jr
people ask me a lot about what are some of the top reasons why I have seen companies fail. And throughout much thought, I have narrowed it down to...
Simplifying your life through tiny living (Part 10)...Final Thoughts
By Ben Brown
Some final thoughts on living a simplified (tiny house) lifestyle
Simplifying your life through tiny living (Part 9) (FAQ)
By Ben Brown
Random Questions I've gotten through the years