Coaching Articles
By Meera Jhogasundram
The second book in my self-empowerment series with significant content on my own career transition process.
By Meera Jhogasundram
The first book in my self-empowerment series with significant content on my own career transition process.
All diets fail
By Bas Lebesque
Stop dieting, listen to your life. I have done it so many times with clients, bring balance in your life and it will appear in your body.
Coming out is not a one-time event
By Bas Lebesque
Coming out never stops, why do you have to do it again and again. Coming out is not only a LGTBQ+ thing.
Live a balanced life in your busiest days
By Bas Lebesque
Balance has no end and no beginning either.
Everything Can be Converted into a Gift & Opportunity
By Azmina Mulji
Learn how to defeat your inner saboteurs and respond to life events with positive sage to convert everything into a gift &opportunity with ease & flow
The transformational power of your heart
By Suzan Erritzoe Being One Counselling
The heart can take and transform anything - think about it.. It will re-align us with what we were meant to be - if we allow it
We love opening.
By Suzan Erritzoe Being One Counselling
When we are really honest, we know to open...
First there is no problem.
By Suzan Erritzoe Being One Counselling
First there is no problem. First there is an inner way of being that is real and true.
Leadership Excellence Training
By Enroute International Limited
Integrity, Insight & Inclusiveness are the essential qualities of leadership