Coaching Articles
2012 Resolution #6 - Expect the Best From Yourself
By Maria McInnis
#6 in a series on resolutions using NLP and Life Coaching
Social Media/Networking.... Yes! or No!
By Coach VT Adams
Is the world becoming too advance or is it we are not advanced enough in the wake of technology.
Christian Women's Weight Loss Program---new group forming NOW!!!
By Cheryl Cope
Info on my group coaching weight loss program for Christian women and how to get more information.
Overcoming Stress
By Charles Eduardos
The nervous system doesn't differentiate between a threat to your ego and a threat to your body. My six point plan helps you to overcome stress.
Claiming The Power of Femininity - The Wisdom of Following
By Dr Felicia Clark
Many women disconnect from their femininity by falsely believing rhetoric about how feminine power is inferior. Learn the benefits of feminine power.
By Joann Lim
Choice, Passion, Action, Alive, & Happiness-the key to them all? The Power of "I"