My Drug of Choice for taking ACTION
Posted on June 06, 2012 by Julian Bolster, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The secret ingredient to feeling powerful and staying powerful
By Toronto Life Coach, Julian Bolster
Every once in a while, due to one circumstance or another, I slip back into a pattern of inaction that leads to my feeling powerless and bleak. In that state of mind I clearly see the world around me as hard, my options as limited by the choices of my life, and my future as no longer the limitless canvas it once was when I was a child playing Star Wars in my parents’ backyard.
These are the times when I have forgotten the power of Action.
Then, either from discipline, coaching or divine intervention, I remember my list of goals and take one or more actions, and everything starts to change. Sometimes those actions are significantly outside of my comfort zone and sometimes they are right within my grasp. And I start to feel a shift, a re-awakening. Sure enough, every single time, within minutes, hours or days I start to feel powerful, unstoppable and clearly aware of just how easy it is to accomplish my dreams. And I do just that; I accomplish a dream—like flying a plane or writing a book.
As you may have suspected, the secret lies in my drug of choice: Action. Just a one time hit of this drug will shift your eyesight, having your looking forward, not behind. It will have you feeling good, if not great. And repeated use of this drug will result in you becoming addicted to the high of being alive and creating your existence. Addicts of this drug are those who make the biggest impact on society and the world.
Human beings have a natural power, a kind of basic identity that we are all born-to-be: we were born with the power to create. We can create perspectives that will change our view of the world and the actions or options available to us. We can create peace or war. We can create machines that fly across oceans and probes to explore distant worlds. We can create life itself. An infinite number of wonders and gifts, all that spring from our willingness to take action and create.
The greatest minds and people in history are those who chose to create something and then took action towards it.
3 Keys to Creating Success
1. Don’t focus on solutions. Solutions are managements of problems. Focus on ideas and realizing them.
2. Create what you love, not what you like. The former will get you out of the gate, while the latter will win you the race
3. Remove fear from the work, as often as possible, by having your work stand for something utterly important to your sense of contribution, such as ‘doing it for my kids’
What are you willing to create today? How different might your experience of life be if you were to take action on just two goals now? Who knows, it might become a habit—one that will change your life for the better.
By Toronto Life Coach, Julian Bolster