Coaching Articles
Twelve Strategies to Accomplish Any Goal
By Jessie May Kezele
Setting and accomplishing goals isn't always easy, but it is 100% possible! Here are 12 strategies to turn your goals into reality.
Startup Advice: Two ways your support network fails you
By Trudy Murphy
Wondering why your friends won't like your facebook page or promote your stuff? Here's why you shouldn't want them to support your business at all.
How much do you earn?
By Trudy Murphy
Do people think it's ok to ask you personal questions about your business and finances? How well do you handle nosy inquiries?
Why loyalty programs work and how you can use them to compete with the big boys.
By Trudy Murphy
62% of consumers are more likely to continue doing business with a company because of their loyalty program. Do you have one?
Career Choice Paralysis: Taking Action is Your Best Bet
By Jessie May Kezele
Feeling paralyzed by all your options? Find out why taking action is the best thing you can do.
Are You Walking Your Talk?
By Jessie May Kezele
Follow these five steps to walk your talk, and take action today on the life you want to live.
Coaching and Appreciative Inquiry: Design the Life You Want
By Rosanne Kerr
Appreciative Inquiry is a wonderful framework for coaches and clients to use as they work together to help the client achieve his or her goals.
What is Ontological Coaching?
By Russell Heath
A coaching practice that expands your capacity to powerfully be in the world.
Is Your Current Job Worth 97,000 Hours Of Your Life?
By Cynthia Belmer
How to evaluate if your current job is aligned with your inner voice.
Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone
By Darlene H Joyner
Connecting to the Best You is as simple as letting go and enjoy all life have to offer.