Is Busy the New Happy?
Posted on September 05, 2013 by Celena Collins, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Being busy by doing what you love can keep you on your toes, but what about just "Being"? Is just “Being” enough? What do you Need to Be Happy?
Is Busy the New Happy? Before you answer, consider this…
Did you know that 2 generations ago, no one was claiming to be really busy? Being “busy” is a relatively new term to describe ones sense of being. I asked my cousin, of whom I had not seen in many years: “How have you been?” Guess what she said? “Very Busy” I still don’t know if she is happy or not. Did she like doing what kept her busy? Most don’t talk about how happy they are, or are not, and I find that strange. How many people, including yourself, seem to keep busy with one thing or another just to fill in the time? Are we all really this busy? If you are living your dream to the fullest, of which really does fill up your time quickly, then good for you! How about those that are not living that dream? What are they filling up their time with, and does it really bring them any joy? Do we fill up our lives with things, stuff, and one task after the next; in the hopes it will bring us happiness? Watching TV commercials on any given Tuesday night would tell me that yes, our culture is driven by our need to fill up with external things/tasks/events to feel happy. The funny thing is, if that actually worked, we would have already purchased our happiness a long time ago!
Busy the New Happy, or just Needing to Be?
Actually BEING busy, productive and happy, and looking like it can be two different things. Needing to be one to be other does not always work. Being happy, innately, is something that we are all capable of, and it is what I am passionate about. My need to feel good from getting and doing more stuff (for me and others) before I could face big financial issues lead to going bankrupt over 10 years ago. My need to keep my hands full to feel happy is what lead me to carpel-tunnel and back aches only 3 years ago. When I could not keep busy doing what I used to, I was miserable. Choosing to pursue my true happiness lead me to change my belief about myself, and about how I, and others are capable of operating in a natural state of joy. It is a choice, a very personal, a very simple choice that can be challenging for everyone.
Busy = Happy: Model of Choice
My own role model for being busy, and productive, and happy all at once is my grandmother. My grandmother was always on the move, with something, and she never said she was busy; she just had a full day each day and still managed to write letters to the whole family each month (by hand). She was happy to garden, do yard work, cook, clean, meet with family/friends, can fruit/vegetables, babysit myself and my sisters, and my cousins, attend and lead community events, take on crafts and be there for my mother and aunt while they navigated through new motherhood. She never said she was busy. If she wanted to remember something, she wrote it down, and checked that list every morning. No computers, cell phones, i-pads, or even a type writer. Keeping herself moving, productive, and happy was her own responsibility, and she made sure she stayed on top of that. If she was unhappy about something, she spoke her mind, and remained true to her word during difficult times. I would watch her choose to be happy, about anything, even when the rain was pouring down and the power was out and dinner on the stove went cold. I would listen to her tell sad stories about her past, and end it with sincere smiles about how wonderful her life is. She chose to be happy no matter what was or was not going on in her life.
To cope with something stressful or painful, she reached out to help others, and while she did it to cope; she knew she what she was doing. She worked for a hospice center shortly after my 22 yr-old uncle was killed in a drunk-driving accident. Some might say she was avoiding, but no, I think she needed to be of service to grow and heal. I found the same to be true for me. She showed me how you can heal your wounds and grow from them instead of bearing the scares with anger. I did both, and I liked the first option better.
Busy the New Happy: Being Enough?
Doing what I love can keep my on my toes, but part of what I love doing, is actually just being. Is just “being” enough? Yes. Without taking a moment, an hour, even a day to experience my own being, I would not know myself, and I would not recognize when I veer off track. I maintain my personal, inner joy by being still, by taking the time to experience being with me. This is how I choose to be happy.
Over the last couple years, I have had the excellent opportunity to experience my own company, and enjoy it! I could see that all my projects I started to pass the time were not actually bringing me the joy that I had thought they would. That joy had to come from within first, and only then could I discover what things I could do to help draw out that natural state of happiness as much as possible.
My Challenge to You: Spend some time this week to experience pure organic natural happiness. This might, or might not be as easy as it sounds. This joy can be triggered by a cute video of someone’s cat, a pretty flower, a really funny joke, or, it can just bubble up from within for no reason at all. I’m curious what you come up with, and please feel free to contact me if you want to share your story, or just want some support with this challenge.
Keep being the powerhouse you are!
Celena Collins is a Certified Coach with Living In Your Power in Golden, CO, and specializes in Self-Leadership, Accountability and Empowerment Coaching. Contact Celena at 720-314-6009, or
Empowerment Coach, Living In Your Power
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