Coaching Articles
Dear coach, do you coach yourself?
By Valentina Di Pietro
As a coach, I share how I coach myself with my clients. It helps building trust in me and confidence in them.
Think positive,walk positive and let your story change
Your destiny is determined by the decisions you make today and the way you think about what you plan to do.
By Jeff Monachelli
Life Coaching defined and the dynamic process a Life or Career Coach goes through to assist clients.
Tips You Can Use to Temporarily Bounce Back From Burnout
By LaKia Allen
Stress is a huge issue for women these days because of the increasing expectation that ‘“we be all things to all people”.
What Do Your Eating Habits Say About You?
By LaKia Allen
Some experts have gone on record to claim that 75% of overeating is caused by emotions, so dealing with emotions appropriately is important.
Setting Healthy Boundaries for Self-Preservation
By LaKia Allen
There should be no shame in putting yourself first, right?
Cupid's Pulse - I am quoted in the following article
By Jason Weberman
5 Resolutions That Can Help You Find “The One” Goto:
Redbook Magazine - I am quoted in the following article
By Jason Weberman
The Weird Reasons He's Not In the Mood:
Glamour Magazine - I am quoted in the following Article
By Jason Weberman
6 Simple Reasons New Relationships Fail to Launch:
What Does The Coaching Process Look Like?
"Hey! What's going on behind that curtain?"