Todd Leonard's Articles
Throwing Shade and Our Shadow Selves
By Todd Leonard
Passive-aggressive actions & sarcastic responses, while clever, often reveal something darker about us rather than putting someone else in their place
Go Backwards to Move Forwards
By Todd Leonard
Often our brains remember life events wrong and tell false stories about us that replay in our unconscious. We have to rewrite them to get healthy.
Imagine There’s No Heaven…
By Todd Leonard
What if religion is wrong about the afterlife? What if this life is all we get? Would we live differently?
What I've Learned About Unemployment
By Todd Leonard
For the first time in my life, I'm unemployed. I chose this in order to chart a new path. Here's what I'm learning about the transition.
You're a Good Person Who Got Duped
By Todd Leonard
Religious people, volunteers, and people in helpiing professions get taken advantage of without often realizing it. Here, I pull back the curtain.
The Wrong Guy to Ask About Prayer
By Todd Leonard
I had a patient ask me to teach her how to pray. She had no idea she had just made a huge mistake.
Common Sense or Scripture: Which Do You Follow?
By Todd Leonard
Bad religion asks you to turn off your brain & do whatever the organization tells you the Bible says. Make sure to keep your brain on and think first.
Is it wrong for people of faith to be depressed?
By Todd Leonard
Anxiety, depression and discouragement are normal and essential parts of the human experience. Running from them delays the healiing process.
Prayer: Naming the Sacred
By Todd Leonard
One way prayer can be helpful is in naming time, space and setting as sacred. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that life is more than ordinary.
Your Brain: Storyteller
By Todd Leonard
Learning the storieis our brains tell us about ourselves and others empowers us to rewrite them to be more accurate and more gracious.