Imagine There’s No Heaven…
Posted on November 07, 2024 by Todd Leonard, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
What if religion is wrong about the afterlife? What if this life is all we get? Would we live differently?
“Imagine there’s no heaven…” wrote John Lennon.
I invite those of us whose faith tradition includes some form of the afterlife to consider this option. If this current life is all there is, would you live it any differently?
The traditional religious argument is that without the threat of hell or the hope of heaven, people would live very self-centered lives and cause harm to others.
I wonder if we would actually value the things of life more? Treasure relationships more? Pay more attention to what we leave behind for our children? If heaven doesn’t bail us out of our failures, are we more humble and reflective in what we say and do now? Do we do more of our own actual living in 3D and less vicarious living through 2D?
It’s possible that this mentality would lead us to search for moments of heaven in the here and now and to delight when we can bring those moments into existence for others both now and in future generations.
I think trying to make the most of this life could be more in harmony with the teachings of our scriptures and not put at risk our qualifications for the afterlife, if there is indeed one.
Anyway, I’ve been spending some time with existentialism this week, which has been a good thing. Thought I’d invite you into the conversation.