Coaching Articles
Redefine my Career!
By Akanksha Vir
It is possible to change your career path with targeted action. If you really want to do something, then just do it!
You're Not a Desert Hedgehog
By Stephanie Hatton
Every interaction and every conversation presents us with a choice - to be the highest version of ourselves. What do you typically choose?
One Reason Why Most Never Feel in Flow
By Jeneth Blackert
Each year, millions of people set goals for what they want in life... read why goals could truly limit you.
How to Positive Self-Talk - for Life Coaches and Coachees
By Hyacinth Bailey
An overview of how to talk to yourself positively to support your vision of what you desire and what you are working toward since thoughts will come.
Belief and Self Image
By Derek Collins
The importance of believing in yourself and developing your self image
Life Coaching: The Path to Clarity
By Jerry Logan
How well does our interpretation match reality? This article explains how "changing the lens" leads to greater clarity.
Happiness = Reality - Expectations
By Tricia Ryan
According to the formula (Happiness = Reality – Expectations), a failsafe way of sustaining high happiness levels is to maintain low expectations.
Entrepreneurial DNA – What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know
By Joel Lund
Entrepreneurs are not created equal. Why is it that some excel and others don't? Understanding your entrepreneurial DNA is essential to your success.
Masterminds Jump Start Your Learning
By David Drewelow
You should always be looking for the next question to ask. Great learning and insight comes from asking the right questions.
Winning and Learning
By David Drewelow
Winning is not everything? This article talks about the importance of learning from our losses.