Coaching Articles
Why you need a Coach / Master in your life?
By Anurag Shukla
Do we really need a coach/ master in our life? Having a coach may not be a NEED! but certainly it is good to have one. Wisdom Stories.
A Mindset for Optimization
By James Pagano
Webster's defines optimization as an act, process, or methodology of making something as fully functional or effective as possible.
The Benefits of Feeling Empathy with Tips
Understand the benefits of empathy and learn 6 tips to feel more empathy in your life
Handling Emotional Reactions in Times of Stress
The article explains a process to bring awareness and compassion to your emotional triggers so that you feel less reactive and more proactive in life.
An Introduction to Coaching and the Person Centred Approach
This article is an introduction to coaching and its background. It shows how a client can be supported by a coach to identify and make lasting change
How to Connect with your Visions and Dreams using the Felt Sense in your Body
The article explains how to use the felt sense in our body to work towards your visions and to achieve your goals, in a simple easy to follow way
Your Greatest Fear Could Save You.
By William Farrand
Think about what your greatest fear is and the possibility of that fear actually being your salvation. Here is a true story of fear and protection
5 Reasons Why Poor Boundaries In Marriage Are A Recipe For Disaster
Marriage is hard - but there are things you can do to make it easier.