Coaching Articles
Listen to your body!
By JC Manning
The body is an extension of our being, not just a vessel for it. This article is about the relationship between mind & body, and seeking to train both
Fatherhood - the Quest to Find Your Purpose
By Jeffrey Pope
Stay-at-Home-Dads have a unique fatherhood journey. This article explores that journey and attempts to help clarify your true purpose as a dad.
Speaking of boundaries
By Emmanuelle Stathopoulos-Arnold
Our boundaries define who we are, what we stand for and what we have to offer to the world. They state our values, limits and intentions.
How to carve out personal space
By Emmanuelle Stathopoulos-Arnold
How can we create some ‘personal space’ for ourselves that will allow us to take a break from the world and focus on ourselves to restore our energy?
Job Hunting in the Season of Covid
Some Questions from the Mailbox: Inquiries from job seekers looking for answers in this season of uncertainty
Curating a Meaningful and Fulfilling Life
By Ronald Surgeon
Meaning and satisfaction can become your new normal. You can create experiences which lure your ideal future-self closer to your present experience.
Pitfalls: handling the social, mental, emotional & spiritual transitions
By Sharon Rolph
Retirement Planning is going through a culture change! Being only focused on finances, leaves you lost, bored & aimless. No longer! Live intentionally
Resilience - Personality trait or learned behavior?
By Emmanuelle Stathopoulos-Arnold
What makes the difference between surviving challenging change and failing to do so? What are the things that help carve your way out of adversity?
Your past performance doesn’t guarantee your future results
Regardless of what decisions you’ve made and what you’ve believed, you are not bound by your past self. Your future can be different.
Why Dating A Married Man Will Only Lead to Heartbreak
Don't say I didn't warn you...