Coaching Articles on Goal Setting and Achievement
Starting the process of attaining a successful life.
By Trinetta Burrell
A simple equation for a plan of action. What you need to know to make positive life altering changes.
What's On Your "To-Be" List?
By Michael Felberbaum
Your "to-be" list is a great way to life coach yourself by staying on top of your goals and intentions.
The Shoes weren't walking, but they were talking - in Metaphor
By Jan Laferriere
Not doing something has a message for a higher intention
Procrastination - Friend or Foe?
By Priscilla Hansen
Procrastination - could be a symptom of something that is lacking.
Getting Stuck in Our Beliefs
By Raymond Rigoglioso
Everything we have, and everything we will ever have, starts with desire. But in order for it to manifest, we must believe it is possible.
Visualize, Verbalize, Actualize
By James Bishop
Two months into 2010, how are those resolutions holding up? Here are real steps you can take to reach your goals and improve your life. J. Bishop
If You Don't Like Where You Are- MOVE
By Nekisha-Michelle Kee
One of the major complaints I hear all the time is, “I don’t like where I am!” So I thought it would be the right time to say be bold and MOVE!
Rock your own boat
By William Powell
What if the boat you were rocking happen to be your own. How would you feel, how does that look for you? Are there any benefits to it?
Success in 15 minutes per day
By William Powell
So many times we experience the stress of having too many things to do. Maybe it's not how much there is to do, but how well planned you are to do it.