Mitzi Bockmann's Articles
9 Things that Make a Woman Vulnerable to Having an Affair
Affairs don't just happen out of nowhere...
7 Things to Do if You Want Your Long Distance Relationship to Succeed
Long distance relationships are hard but that doesn't mean they aren't worth the effort!
7 Ways to Use Communication to Build Emotional Connection in Your Marriage
Communication is an excellent tool to use to build the connected marriage you seek.
5 Small Things We Do That Sabotage Our Lives and Relationships
We can be our own worst enemies sometimes!
7 Warning Signs that the Power Dynamic in Your Marriage is Off
I can't be hard to see if the power dynamic is off in your marriage - let me help you figure it out!
9 Consequences of Dating a Married Man that One Would Never Guess Going In
Affairs aren't all about love and lust - they are more damaging than you could ever imagine if you haven't been there before!
The One Thing You Need To Do To Get Your Happily Ever After
Happily ever after is possible - it's up to you to make it happen.
9 Things that Your Husband Needs in Marriage That Might Surprise You
We all have needs - do you know what your husband's are?
7 Reasons It is So Hard to Break up With Your Girlfriend, Even if You Don’t Love
Breaking up is hard to do but if it's the right thing it must be done!
The 5 Stages of Grief that Happen After the End of a Marriage and How to Get Thr
A divorce can feel like a death. Knowing how to get through it is the key to living happily ever after.