David Taylor-Klaus MCC CPCC's Articles
Conversational Intelligence Teaches Leaders to Talk WITH People, Not AT Them
By David Taylor-Klaus MCC CPCC
As a certified Conversation Intelligence® coach, I teach leaders to leverage the power of neuroscience to create conversations that change the world.
Fish Can't Climb
By David Taylor-Klaus MCC CPCC
Measure performance by your capacity. Using unreasonable standards is demoralizing, destructive AND it's poor leadership - at home and at work.
Overcome the Overwhelm AND Get It All Done
By David Taylor-Klaus MCC CPCC
The Magic Formula (for Getting it All Done) is a 3-step process to overcome the overwhelm of a large To-Do List AND stay on track to completion.
Write Your Story - ALL of It
By David Taylor-Klaus MCC CPCC
A Vision Statement is insufficient to inspire, to drive, to lead your company. You need more. Your business needs a Vision Story. And so do YOU.
The "Inner-Critic-ectomy"
By David Taylor-Klaus MCC CPCC
We all have an Inner-Critic, a hyper-critical, judgmental voice that catalogs our failures, dismisses our successes, and diminishes our leadership.
What Defines You?
By David Taylor-Klaus MCC CPCC
You have the chance to look forward, with intention, and decide how you wish to be remembered. Are you ready (and willing) to live your legacy?
YOU Are Your Problem!
By David Taylor-Klaus MCC CPCC
Saboteurs are those voices in our head that tell us lies, stand in our way and stop our forward progress. We ALL have them. What do yours say?