Crystal Church Ellensburg, Washington
Life Coach, Family Coach, Spirituality Coach
Ellensburg, Washington 98926
- Gender: Female
About Me
My biography is a testament to how the trials and tribulations of all my challenging life experiences have given me the tools I need to be an effective personal development life coach of YOU University. I realized this once I started working on my own emotions and feelings with my coach and mentor, Maia Berens, the founder of YOU University.
I was born into a family with alcohol and addiction issues on both sides. I grew up viewing drinking as a normal par of daily life and saw no harm in indulging to the point of excess myself. Having a predisposition to addiction, I fell in love with self-medicating and quickly becoming an addict.
Also, as a small child I was sexualized and molested. The immature coping skills I learned in order to survive this part of my life coupled with addiction became a toxic combination. This led to many troublesome and challenging situations as well as unhealthy relationships.
I was born to be persistent and never gave up searching, whether was conscious or subconscious, for a peaceful life instead of one filled with constant turmoil. The journey for a meaningful life purpose took many years and included experiences that I know are valuable knowledge for transformational learning.
I looked for love from the wrong people and attracted men who needed to be taken care of and dominate me. I allowed myself to be violated and taken advantage of. I ended up in drug and alcohol treatment programs as well as domestic violence classes. It wasn’t until I realized that I was the person in control of my destiny, that I began to see to it that I could ensure it to be positive.
With this new plan in place, I choose to be the single parent of three dynamic kids. They are perfect reflections of me.
Their collaborative learning from me is the most important job I have in life. I am currently enrolled in YOU University. As I reinvent myself, I am learning that I am highly intuitive and posses a keen awareness of people’s feelings. I am open and honest
2 reviews (5.0)
Crystal Church and I found each other on twitter in October of 2009. When magic happens for me, I often lose the details because I am overwhelmed by the connection and synchronicities. I cannot tell you the details or the content of our communication but I can tell you that in the short conversation we had, we were both sure we had found each others' goldmine. Crystal has been using her talent to support her family of three children pretty much on her own. She's done it doing telephone sales. She's great at it but it doesn't bring her the inner joy that helping others find their own gifts and overcome their own blocks by coaching them through YOU University does. To our delight, she's also uncovered a talent for understanding internet marketing that our business sorely needed. There are wonderful marketing teachers out there but very few who can take what they know and apply it in the most brilliant way - always remembering that the people we want to reach are just like us and don't want to be "sold" but rather want to get to know us and find out if we actually have anything that might help them to grow and have a better life. Her quick mind and sharp intuition coupled with her direct and loving communication makes her an amazing coach and amazing business partner. She is the spark around which we all grow - her kids, her family, her friends, her clients and her business partners.
~Maia Berens
Crystal- Lady you are one heck of a lady! I see so much connection between us. It amazes me that you are so brilliant. I see people that have similar backgrounds all the time and they have done the exact opposite of what you are doing. You are resilient. You are gorgeous. You are amazingly intelligent. You are so open to your own faults that you don’t even ponder the growth that can happen. You just do it. Your intuition is so strong (it kind of reminds me of Maia) that you can just go with your gut and you are right! You have a talent and I’m glad you are sharing it with others. I feel blessed when I am on the phone with you. I feel relief when you listen. I am intune with myself after I had my sessions with you. Thank you for telling me it is what it is. Thank you for accepting my spirituality and religion. Thank you for allowing me to be honest with myself.
Adrienne Johnson
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