Ben Brown Salt Lake City, Utah
Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Family Coach
Salt Lake City, Utah 84117
- Hourly Rate: $150 to $300 US Dollars
- Gender: Male
About Me
My name is Ben Brown.
After receiving my Bachelor’s of Science in Conflict Management, I’ve found myself in the health and human services industry for over 20 years!
As a Certified Parent Coach and Clinically Informed Life Coach, I coach adults whose internal blockages are keeping them stuck. Do any of the following negative statements play in your head? “I’ve tried every diet and I still can’t lose weight.” ”I’m not educated enough.” “I don’t deserve it.” If you have unhealthy thoughts in your head that keep you stuck, I can teach you how to rewire these into empowering internal statements to help you get the results you deserve!
My approach to relationship coaching is unique. I don’t just work with both partners as a couple, but as individuals as well! Its important that both parties get individual coaching “outside” of the relationship as well as “within” the relationship! As a result, they find that they are able to communicate in a clearer way than they ever could before moving through my coaching processes.
When working with families as a Family Dynamics Coach, my approach has a superior track record of getting results for families that have struggled for years. Do you have an adolescent teen or young adult or even an adult offspring that you don’t see eye to eye with? Are you craving that healthy dynamic between you and your son or daughter? I can help you create the family relationships you’ve always dreamed were possible.
Whether your seeking assistance in the relationship with yourself, your partner or the relationships within your family, I can help you!
For a free consultation, please setup an appointment!
14 reviews (1 verified) (5.0)
VerifiedWhat a wonderful experience I had working with Ben. The guy is amazing and will share really great wisdom. He helped me tremendously realize things I never have noticed about myself. As a result, I showed up better prepared for any situation and new experience I have since come across. I highly recommend anyone wanting to seek help in regards to what Ben has to offer to give it a try & see where his wisdom/insight provides for you. I can guarantee he is worth every penny! Thanks again for all you have done for me Ben, you are truly one of a kind my friend! CHEERS. Sincerely, Christopher J. Morales Sincerely, Christopher J. Morales
Chris, L.A. Sales
Ben has an incredibly direct, no nonsense style of communicating that really helps to get to the point. He immediately jumped in to help our daughter get over initial issues around finishing high school and figuring out next steps. He helped our daughter figure out when and how and where she wanted to finish high school. His coaching helped our daughter want to actually apply to colleges, and complete 7 applications in 7 days. These were difficult discussions, but he gained our daughters trust and developed an effective method of working through difficult decisions with her. Ben was very helpful to me in preparation for a family get-together during Christmas holidays and subsequent visits to our daughter over the next five months. As he helped our family put together a framework for conversations with our daughter, he also prepared us for the good and the bad. Importantly, during phone calls with us, he maintained a role as a mediator. This was particularly useful as we worked closely with him in preparation for our daughter to leave for college and help us maintain the good working relationship that we had developed up to that point. He currently engages in powerful coaching relationships with both my daughter as well as our son. And we continue to watch Ben help both of them navigate their lives and continue to mature into healthy adults. My initial contact and interactions with Ben occurred after he started consulting with my daughter. Ben reached out to provide parent coaching and support as my wife and I supported our daughter in her journey. Fortunately, Ben was thoughtful and non-pressuring as we started communicating about the work our daughter was doing, and the work as parents we undertook in parallel. Ben has an incredibly direct, no nonsense style of communicating that really helps to get to the point. He immediately jumped in to help our daughter get over initial issues around finishing high school and figuring out next steps. He helped our daughter figure out when and how and where she wanted to finish high school. His coaching helped our daughter want to actually apply to colleges, and complete 7 applications in 7 days. These were difficult discussions, but he gained our daughter's trust and developed an effective method of working through difficult decisions with her. Ben was very helpful to me in preparation for a family get-together during Christmas holidays and subsequent visits to our daughter over the next five months. As he helped our family put together a framework for conversations with our daughter, he also prepared us for the good and the bad. Importantly, during phone calls with us, he maintained a role as a mediator. This was particularly useful as we worked closely with him in preparation for our daughter to leave for college and help us maintain the good working relationship that we had developed up to that point. He currently engages in powerful coaching relationships with both my daughter as well as our son. And we continue to watch Ben help both of them navigate their lives and continue to mature into healthy adults.
Janice, Lexington, Insurance
Leading up to my time working with Ben I was in a very emotionally unstable part of my life, I had no direction, no real joy and overall was a downer to be around. It was not a fun place to be and at the time my escape was going to the bars and getting drunk with my coworkers but it never actually did the trick. At the time I was offered a hand by a mutual friend of ours who was able to get me in contact with Ben. I was skeptical at first and I remember one of my first thoughts being What can one person really do to help me from just a phone call?. However in the time I have gotten to work with Ben, my entire perspective around life has changed. Initially when I started working with Ben the first call was more of a get to know each other call where I learned a little about him and he was able to get a grasp on who I was. It seemed at the time pretty basic, but from there I was able to see the depth in which his conversations could help me work on areas in my life and see how I viewed them as of now compared to how I would see them if I was truly happy. With that during one of our calls, he helped me understand what each aspect meant and how to shift the paradigm or more importantly wording around certain areas. He would give me the week to think it over and write out my answers. At the beginning, I found it hard to fully look past the present moment and look to the future to see what I saw in my life that I wanted. During this process, Ben was there on the calls to help when I got stuck. We would go over my answers and he would walk me through each one while either reinforcing certain wordings on ones that I was able to think about or giving me new perspectives on those that I had trouble with. That was just the initial start of our time working together. From there we delved deeper into different areas and it all felt personalized to the struggles I was having at the time. Overall, in my experience working with Ben has been a positive change in my life. At this point I feel I have a direction I want to go and someone I'd consider a friend I can call when times are tough or when something great has happened in my life. I would recommend anyone feeling stuck or having trouble re-framing their thoughts to reach out to Ben and see countless areas in life begin to flourish!
Herald, Boulder, United States Army
I had been struggling with anxiety and depression on and off for years. I needed to find a way out of my loops. I was recommended to Ben and it turns out, he's really good at what he does. On our first call, he immediately got me into the zone of trying to assess and better myself and my actions. His process was so powerful. I was amazed to see how he was able to help me see why I do things at my core. It was really impressive how he broke it down so quickly and hit those points for the majority of the call. Over the next several months, he continually set the stage for me to be really vulnerable and I was able to pour my whole genuine self into the process. Ben made it so easy to dive into why I do certain things and helped to identify my motivators and blockages around my previous issues and what I've done as a coping mechanism to counter that. I have a newfound relationship to my anxiety and depression and while it's still present, I understand how to manage it better and it no longer runs my life.
Jake, Denver, Student
I was in the smack middle of the dreaded mid-life crisis when I first met Ben. I never thought that coaching would be something that could help me navigate this time in my life. But maybe one day I'll learn to never say never. I also came to the table quite arrogant thinking, what could a younger person have to teach me? Ben was able to teach me that retirement is not a stage of life as much as it is a frame of mind. His approach to helping me pin down my focus was absolutely spot on! He's helped me explore and really pinpoint where I came up with my retirement mentality. Now all of the sudden, I had the freedom to re-navigate this and see this as an opportunity to redefine how I looked at retirement. I've now found purpose and direction in a variety of areas that I had never thought I would...including riding ATVs, which I had never done in my life up to that point. It turns out, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Well done Ben! Well done indeed!
Frank, Birmingham, Retired
As a skeptical mother of 3, I have to admit that I was really skittish about the idea of coaching. I had a friend that recommended Ben. So I thought I would give this whole coaching thing a try. And I'm just so glad that I did!!!! I'm impressed with Ben. I've seen two therapists in my life to try and help me move through so much of my trauma in the past. And while therapy is valuable, it feels like the same old thing. But as I began my work with Ben, I was immediately realizing This guy's approach is different...like way (outside the box) different. The thing that impressed me most was the ability to help me articulate and clarify the jumbled messes in my head. He was just so effective at giving me tools to simplify the way I looked at my past in an empowering way. No therapist had ever been able to do that the way Ben did. And if it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't have believed it from someone else. I'm grateful to Ben for his gift that he certainly seems to have for helping others. And Im thankful that I've had the opportunity to work with him.
Sandra, Naples, Entrepreneur
I wanted to take a minute to talk about my work with Ben Brown. He's been one of the most amazing people I've ever worked with! We have a daughter who has a disability. And we've always looked at it as a hurdle to overcome. Through giving us a gift of a perspective shift, he taught us to see our daughters disability, not as a hurdle, but as a gift! This completely floored us and changed our perspective FOREVER! My daughter no longer thinks of herself as challenged but rather, blessed with a unique way of interacting with the world. Thank you Ben for all of your wisdom and insight.
Rick, Portland, Business Owner
Ben has been nothing short of a blessing in my life. He seems to have the magic ingredient. When I began working with Ben, my life was going ok, with the exception to my finances. I've read books on motivation and financial growth and I've been to seminars on how to get rich and learn to think like a rich person and I have talked to financial advisors with no success. While valuable, these were no substitute for the work Ben did with me. Over the course of 6 months, this man helped me change my life for the better. What a gem! He taught me that you can have all the money in the world and still struggle if you don't know about your own concepts around money. I now have a much healthier relationship around money! Thank you so much for the work you do Ben.
Ava, Houston, Server
Working with Ben has been highly educational. He has a true knack for understanding how to implement coaching in a way that has allowed me to meet my goals. I used to be the world's biggest procrastinator. I would struggle to get things done ahead of time and constantly found myself always waiting until the last minute to start on projects or deadlines. Among other benefits I've received from using Ben as a Life Coach, he has helped me to understand the origin of the mindset that caused me to be a master procrastinator. Ben then took the time to help me explore how to create a new relationship to get things done! I no longer feel the urge to put things off but instead, I feel a drive to get ahead of the curve. I owe a huge thanks to Ben for all the hard work he's put in with me. Whatever your struggle is, I would highly recommend you try working with Ben. He will help you get the job done!
Kathrine, Madison, I.T.
If you find yourself struggling to get along in your family, give Ben a call! We first met Ben 2 years ago who came at the high recommendation of a co-worker. My husband and I both were sick and tired of fighting with our daughter. We used to have a decent relationship with her when she was younger, but once she got to her senior year of high school, things started to fall apart. We were getting in fights about her school work, her choice of friends, her drug choices, her choice of friends, even her contribution to living at home keeping things clean. It was a nightmare! Then, with quite a bit of hesitation, I thought, What do I have to lose? And so I called Ben, rather skeptical at the time, I admit. I wasn't sure what coaching was at the time and had my doubts. Within just the first 3 months, it was obvious that this guy knew exactly what he was doing and that he was good at his job. He helped us learn how to identify and understand our daughters' values. That was a really powerful experience. But I would've never imagined what happened next. He actually taught our daughter how to see my husband and I not as parents, but as allies, as cheerleaders and supporters! She has said I never would have thought of you guys like that. Now two years later, the fights are gone. Our daughter is currently attending college in New York, she has a supportive social network of friends and best of all, she comes home to visit and we love it! Both my husband and I have a stronger relationship with our daughter that continues to grow as the months progress. Ben has been nothing short of a blessing to our family!!
Maple and Ed, Long Beach, Medical Director/Physician
We've been working with Ben for over a year now! When we first met him, our relationship (now marriage) was struggling. Keith and I had been together for 4 years and were starting to have that 4 year itch of starting to see the spark dwindle a little bit. We knew we loved one another but our relationship had become so stagnant. We tried couples counseling for a few sessions but still came away feeling empty handed. So we decided to try something different. And we are SO GLAD we did! Bens unique outside the box approach taught us how to see and honor our strengths in a way that we would have NEVER thought of. He showed us how to set and hold appropriate emotional boundaries with one another. This allowed us to rekindle parts of our love we had when we first met and helped us create daily practices into our relationship that would become the basis for us finally deciding to get married! Of course he came to the wedding! Duh! We still use Ben today as a valuable resource in helping our marriage remain strong! He's truly an asset and gift to anyone who works with him.
Erin and Keith, Pittsburg, Human Resources and Engineer
I found out about Ben through a good friend of mine who highly recommended him. So I figured, why not? Throughout my experience of working with Ben, he showed me that if I was willing to do the work and trust in the process, he would more than hold up his end of the deal and walk me through a lot of challenges and help me get out my head. The key in all of this is I had to do the work and I had to be honest with Ben and with myself. Ben's approach with all of this was very practical. One thing is for sure, his approach is a very straightforward delivery filled with a lot of love and compassion. This was refreshing to say the least. If you're willing to put in the work, he can help you just as he helped me. Whatever you're struggling with, give him a shout! Thanks Ben for all you've done for me and being an important part of my journey.
Joel, Vancouver, Web Developer
Ben is more than a life coach. He is a master at transforming lives! He not only helped change me as a mother and as a wife, but also as a human being. He has helped me understand my inner demons, taught me how to navigate fear that was paralyzing my life and most importantly, showed me how to ask the right questions that have helped lead me to the right answers inside myself. Talking to Ben is like a complete decompression experience. No matter how big the issue is or how puzzled life gets, he has an answer and a tool to fight the battle and bring you inner peace and satisfaction. His unique approach teaches you how to use tools and practice different modalities to move through the challenges we all face in our lives. My relationships with my daughters have improved tremendously. We don't fight anymore and as a bonus, (which I never saw coming), my relationship with my husband that was strong when we met Ben, is even stronger now because of our experience with him. My family and I are very thankful to have him as part of our lives to this day as we continue to utilize his coaching talents!
Christine, Lawyer, Miami
When I first was introduced to Ben, I had just gotten out of medical detox for a drug relapse. This was not my first time going through detox and relapse has been a recurring event in my life. The hope in working with Ben was to change the way my subconscious processed information and create some new ways of thinking. At first, I was a little apprehensive because I've worked with a lot of respected professionals and I ended up in the same place. But I began to see very quickly, this guy meant business. He was absolutely the real deal! On my first phone call, Ben wanted to know all about my story and where I come from, my experiences and more importantly my desired outcome in working with him. I knew that I wanted to stop my self-defeating behavior, be kinder to myself, show up better in my relationships and create a lasting change within myself. Over the course of the next few weeks, he began challenging me to define what I wanted my growth to look like. And with his follow through in holding me accountable on that process, he taught me a very valuable lesson that it's ok to not be perfect and to show myself some human compassion, which was far and above the greatest thing that I have been able to adopt in my life.
Ray, Salt Lake City, CEO
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