Andrew Clemence's Articles
Coaching a Founder from Start-up to Profitable Growth.
This case study highlights the tremendous impact of coaching on a start-up’s progression from launch to scale.
Navigating Life’s Biggest Decisions: The Power of Core Values
Core values guide life's biggest decisions. Discover your unique values & align your life for greater happiness & fulfillment.
Overcoming the Biggest Challenges Start-Up Entrepreneurs Face
How coaching helps founders overcome start-up challenges by providing clarity, accountability, and developing a resilient leadership mindset.
How Mental Fitness Transforms Leadership Performance
Mental fitness unlocks hidden potential & boosts performance. Discover how to become a happier, more effective leader.
Is your company maximising its "RoT" (Return on Time)?
Time is a uniquely irreplaceable resource; this article challenges leaders to consider if their organisations are optimising its use.
How to get the most out of your "garden-leave" when making a career pivot.
Tips for optimising your focus and productivity during a period of extended leave. Useful when contemplating a life change or planning a career pivot.
Finding balance in life swimming with and against the current.
How to find an equilibrium in your work-life balance that enables you to perform at your best and feel at ease.
Why are Millennials susceptible to "Impostor Syndrome"?
Practical steps for overcoming self-doubt.