Performance Coaches In Virginia Beach VA
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Melissa Smith Mental Health Professional, DV Advocate, Family Support Specialist
Relationship Coach, Performance Coach, Life Coach
I coach individuals of all genders & backgrounds. I employ a variety of techniques, tools, & resources. I offer encouragement and together we maintain accountability while working to achieve goals.
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Allan Lucas MBA, SPHR, PMP, US Navy Master Training Specialist
Leadership Coach, Career Coach, Performance Coach
The ideal client is someone going through a transition, attempting to find balance, or is a professional seeking growth, leadership development as a manager or wants to become a leader themselves.
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Melissa Smith BS, MS, Qualified Mental Health Professional
Life Coach, Performance Coach, Family Coach
I coach both males and females at any age. I coach to increase social skills, find balance in relationships, work, school, and mental health. I specialize in mental health and social skills.
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Ramsey Goshert Clinical Counseling degree
Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Performance Coach
You've followed all life's rules yet you feel stuck in a rut, burned out, and unfulfilled. I coach men to reconnect with their sense of purpose and take charge of life.
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