Consultation Orientation
Posted on January 25, 2020 by Jeff Thomlinson, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Here is a brief overview to understand the commitment. Including homework, and suggestions. Also included is the suggestion for journaling.
Program Orientation
Congratulations for gifting yourSelf with this process of profound Self-inquiry! As we embark on this journey together, please keep the following in mind to optimize and uplift the experience of everyone involved:
• We will begin all activities on time so plan to begin a few minutes early in order to be fully prepared.
• Drink plenty of water to re-hydrate the body and wash away toxins released through the practices
• Please notify us of any health concerns, limitations or injuries you have so that I can support your healing process.
• Relax around learning. Let yourself be a beginner: ask questions, make ‘mistakes’.
• Take responsibility for your own experience. No need to be care-giver, parent, therapist, or to expect this from others.
• Have fun!
Policies and Procedures
1) Attendance
We encourage 100% attendance to each commitment.
2) The Integration Process
The ability to integrate the internal work with the external information is key to a successful and enjoyable experience. In light of this, this program includes various ways to support the integration process within your own mind/body/emotional/energy system, while at the same time honoring the objectives and goals of your individual lifestyle.
3) Support Systems
You will be encouraged to connect with others in your circles of your lifestyle. It is important to share, listen, connect and find resonance for your experience. I also want to hear about your needs, wants, issues and challenges as much as you willing and able to share.
4) Your Own Personal Health and Emotional Support System
It is important that you take responsibility for your own health and emotional needs during this time. If you are experiencing challenges, we ask that you stay in conscious dialogue with your local support systems, as needed.
5) Confidentiality
All personal experiences shared must be held in strict confidence.
Study Assignments
To get the most out this program it is vital to fully immerse yourself in what is offered, including any assignments and study time.
Sadhana (spiritual practice) Homework
We ask that you practice at least four times a week (you may wish to practice every day). After each of your sessions with yourself, reflect on the following questions through journaling:
1. How long was my practice and how did that work for me?
2. What was my intention for this practice – what did I choose to focus on? (breath, stress relief, new intentions, mental/physical issues, particular details, mind/body connections, etc.)
3. What areas of my body felt tight (areas where energy seemed blocked or stagnant)?
4. What areas of my body felt open (areas where energy was flowing)?
5. What was the quality of my thoughts? What did I notice if my mind wandered? How did this affect my practice?
6. What were some challenges I faced in my practice? What can I take with me from this experience that I can apply to my daily life?
Consultation Homework
I am requesting you commit to 1 session per week, for 12 weeks. If no consultation is possible in a week (schedule/lifestyle/other commitments/issues) I will invite you to engage in another source of teaching such as reading books, articles, watching my content on darshan on youtube, etc. for a minimum of 1 hour/week.)
After each live consultation or replacement sessions, reflect on the following questions through journaling:
1. What was the state of my body/mind before the session, and then after?
2. What stood out in the session for me?
3. What was challenging for me?
4. What was the quality of my thoughts? What did I notice if my mind wandered?
How did this affect my ability to listen and receive?
5. What question(s) has emerged for me after the session?