Posted on July 31, 2016 by Christopher John, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
If you struggle with low self-esteem, or a lack of confidence, here is a simple way to change your entire state of being quickly and effortlessly.
Life can be so unfair! Have you ever experienced troubling, damaging, scary, hurtful, unfair, or downright ugly circumstances? If you have, I’m talking to you, and boy…do I have something powerful for you! It’s called “Top-Down Living,” and in life, it’s a game changer.
Intro to Top-Down Living?
Top-Down Living is based on what are called “levels of consciousness.” To understand that briefly, you are always doing five things at the same time. You are observing, feeling, thinking, believing, and being. Talk about your multitasking! Anyway, those are the five levels of consciousness – circumstances – emotions – thoughts – beliefs – state of being.
What do Crappy Circumstances have to Do with it?
Circumstances exist at the material level. In other words, we observe them. You can see them, hear them, taste them, touch them, or smell them. They are physical things that exist in the material world. Sometimes those circumstances can be good, sometimes bad, sometimes ugly! And if we allow our circumstances to drive our lives, our lives can feel pretty ugly too. We call that “Bottom-Up Living.”
Bottom-Up Living
If you look at the list below, you will see that the levels have an order to them:
Circumstances are at the lowest level of consciousness. When you are driven by our circumstances, the first thing you notice is that your circumstances cause you to feel a certain way. If your circumstances are good, you feel good. If they are bad, you feel bad. You notice this because feelings exist at the next level up on the list. Of course, when you feel bad, you start to have negative, disempowering thoughts. That’s the next level up. When you have negative, disempowering thoughts, negative, disempowering beliefs start to develop (the next level up). And when you have negative, disempowering beliefs, you start to develop a negative, disempowering state of being, or identity. So you see, on the list, you have climbed from the bottom level (circumstances) all the way up to the top level (state being). When your circumstances drive your life, this bottom-up model is your way of life. Not too fun, huh?
Top-Down Living
Top-Down Living is a very different way to go. In this way of living, you start at the top. So let’s say you have the exact same circumstance as you did above. This time, start with your state of being by asking this simple question: “If you could choose to be any type of person – no matter what the circumstance happens to be – what type of person would you want to be?” You have just chosen your state of being. Now climb down to the next level. When you are that amazing type of person, your beliefs about the situation are positively influenced by that state of being. So now you have a very different, much more empowered belief about yourself, and the circumstance. Climb down one more level. When you are engaging a positive, empowered belief, you begin to have positive, empowered thoughts. Climb down another level. When you have positive, empowered thoughts, you feel good. And when you feel good, the world around you looks pretty darned good too. In fact, when you embrace “Top-Down Living,” there is virtually no circumstance that can get you down, or get in your way.
The Beauty of it all
Successful people from all walks of life enjoy “Top-Down Living” on a daily basis to improve productivity, to experience greater fulfillment, and to build their lives exactly the way they want them. Don’t be trapped in a life that is based on circumstances. Live “Top Down,” and start experiencing your most exceptional life today!