Christopher John Flushing, Michigan
Life Coach, Performance Coach, Relationship Coach
Empower Center Master Coach
Flushing, Michigan 48433
- Hourly Rate: $50 to $125 US Dollars
- Gender: Male
- Training: Accomplishment Coaching
About Me
While other coaches were out marketing and business building, I was busy learning, researching, and working with hundreds of individuals on virtually every aspect of life building. After receiving my Masters Degree in educational leadership, I worked with inner city children for 15 years, teaching them how to overcome virtually any challenge in their life, or environment.
During that time, I began working on a new coaching methodology called E.S.I., (Experiential Subconscious Integration). I put my clients into real-life experiences, through conversations, and in simple, fun practices and challenges - Those experiences trigger a learning response in their subconscious mind - and new, more empowered habits form, which lead to huge gains in performance, clarity, passion, success, and overall quality of life.
In 2011, I graduated from the ICF-Accredited Accomplishment Coaching coach training program in Chicago, where I learned best practices, as well as cutting-edge tools for extreme life coaching.
During the past five years, I have worked diligently to increase my mastery of top coaching skills, as well as the newest tools for building life success. I have built a coaching/mentoring system around the 26 most effective tools for empowered living. Each of these tools by itself has enhanced, transformed, or rebuilt lives from the ground up. Used together, people have been able to create extraordinary results.
In 2015, my system was brought back into schools, and I currently have a staff working with students in Detroit. For adults, this year I opened The Empower Center online, and have trained numerous mentors, who are now working with and empowering clients of their own. I am extremely passionate about this work, and I will continue to be relentless about bringing individuals the most effective coaching experience, as they build their most exceptional life.
12 reviews (5.0)
Christopher John helped me by assisting me in changing my attitude 180 degrees, by assisting in my evaluation of current circumstances, and by gently guiding my thoughts to other possibilities that were existing. Christopher has a unique ability to focus on the root of the circumstances and dismiss the chatter. I think what makes us most suspicious of seeking help is that we’ve all seen people who are constantly absorbing it and not changing a thing. There are self-help junkies out there — people who get high on the feeling that their life is improving simply by reading a book, yet never actually address their habits in everyday life. They get high on the feeling of possibility, and when the feeling fades they buy another. Their mistake is simple: they’re focusing on the “self” part of self-help. Insights by themselves are useless. Without redirecting our thoughts, we will never change our lives. But you can’t get the self-help high just by reading. (Yet that high is enough to make you feel for the moment that everything is OK.) The self-help junkie habit is ugly. Consequently, we need professional assistance such as Christopher is offering.
Bill Fear, Associate Broker, AmeriTrust Realty (Brighton, MI)
Special Thanks to Christopher John and The Empower Center...Life changing opportunities! In a 1 month time I have achieved accomplishments and rare successes that I have only imagined for decades! I highly recommend you contact Christopher for business or personal growth needs. I will be having several launches coming soon to share multiple business successes and projects that Christopher has masterfully accelerated and put into kinetics...Projects that have been dormant and potentially awaiting the right catalysts!
Jeff Jones, Taylor MI
Christopher's coaching method helps you bring your goals into focus and attain greater achievements. Obstacles at all levels are identified and overcome in a supportive environment, and your productivity will dramatically improve while reducing stress and distractions. It’s basically a template for success in business and life – if you learn it and follow it. I experienced great growth in both areas and saw the same with my fellow members.
Robert Smith Preview Properties, PC Brighton, MI
During my year working with Christopher, I began thinking big, setting daily goals to achieve my dreams, and overcome any obstacles that got in the way of achieving my goals. As a result, my business flourished beyond expectations. The early year-to-date business sales for 2014 have already increased significantly compared to business sales for all of 2013. I directly attribute this success to me being at my best, both mentally and physically at all times, for every action taken to grow my business.
A.J. Gross, Owner, ALG Tax Solutions
I LOVE THE EMPOWER CENTER!!! The work I've done with Christopher has impacted my business, and my life profoundly. A year ago, I didn't know where I wanted to take my Everfit business, but coaching with Christopher, going to workshops, and doing his identity work really took me to a level in which I was able to actually open up my own studio, and expand in ways I have always wanted to. Along the way I was able to step into leadership roles I had never been comfortable in before, and really take a stand for my success. I was also able to develop more trusting relationships that are more than just cheerleading. We ask for the support we need, and we actually get it! It's amazing how a shift in relationships can impact business goals, and wellness goals. Christopher's expertise in the coaching practice helped me to identify my challenges, overcome them, and then set new challenges moving forward.
Beth Rzendzian, Owner, Everfit Studio
The work I've done with Christopher has impacted my business in enormous ways. I've been in business for over ten years, and in the time I worked with Christopher, it's grown beyond my belief! He helped me take the challenges I was facing and use them to move me forward, and see what I could learn from them to help my business grow. One of his greatest assets is his wealth of knowledge and expertise. Identifying my core identities, and his knowledge in that has helped me a great deal, not just with my business, but in all aspects of my life.
Cindy Dickerson, Owner, CD Beyond Bookkeeping, LLC
I love how much my life & my mindset has changed! Yesterday we got hit really hard by another car & my first thought instantly was a worry for my new car, my daughter, & the time this would take out of MY day! But within a second I was able to shift it to real concern for the man who jumped out of his car cussing & screaming! I felt sorry & sad for him & started prayer for him! Faith was shook up & balling after being jolted forward so hard! I got out of the car & with out any negative energy around being hit by someone watched this mans energy shift as he started crying! He had just had a baby the night before & was now on his way to a job interview that he desperately needed, he was scared & without a license! I consoled him & was about to drive him to his job interview! He ended up finding a ride, my amazing jeep had no visible damage (only a bent tire holder) & although Faith said her back hurt, a quick visit to our amazing chiropractor Dr. Liedel & she was good to go & enjoyed her first visit! I went to bed praying for this man & thanking God that I see the world from a place of love these days & am know longer living a victim to circumstance! I want to always be grateful for the good I find in every situation & give the energy of love to the world!!!! Thank you Christopher John for all the work you have done while mentoring me over the last year! Life is so fun when living in desired based living, knowing & loving who I am & all that I have to offer!
Noelle Russow, Ruby Ambassador, Plexus Worldwide
AMAZING COACHING SESSION!!! I took a break for a month or so with my coaching Saturday's and realized I was missing on growing higher. Christopher John thank you so much for today's talk. I feel completely energized and ready to face those things I need to release in my body. You cannot become a better person, without looking into yourself, noticing the fear, destroying it, and then building on it. Here's to the next chapter!!!
Doris Hage, Intern Placement, Specs Howard
When I met Chris, I thought I had been through the best of the best business training already, having spent thousands of dollars and many hours on workshops, books, audio trainings and the like. To say I was skeptical of seeing any benefit by working with Chris would be a massive understatement. Truthfully, I thought I knew what I needed to know in order to set goals and just "press on" and "charge through" the tasks in front of me. Boy, was I in for a big surprise! Chris's professional training in ontological coaching set the stage at our first meeting. Within 45 minutes he proved himself a skillful facilitator of profound self-learning. I was blown away...and hooked. Through the next several coaching sessions, Chris helped me generate genuine transformation and more powerful and constructive ways of engaging with different aspects of my life and work that I was previously completely blind to. I re-shifted my focus to "being" vs. "doing" and also "connecting" with people instead of "fixing" them...just to scratch the surface. My so called "tasks" became inspired actions to follow through on the ideals I'm committed to in my life. As a result "I got out of my own way," which enabled me to triple my business growth, attract 4 new business partners, develop additional leadership skills, and make more profound and deeper connections with everyone in my life. I highly recommend Chris to anyone, and especially to those who already think they know it all, like I did! The value he provides goes way beyond the fees he is charging and has a profound and lasting effect. Run don't walk, to connect with Chris Kostoff at Point B Living. You will be glad you did!
Leslie Hipp, Arbonne International
I first began working with Chris in January 2011. I've been elated to get to know Chris over the ensuing months, because his drive, energy and passionate commitment are contagious. He is always seeking to perform better, work harder, read and study more--and because of this he is achieving amazing things for clients in his personal coaching practice.
Robb Hicks MD, Certified Physician Development Coach & Medical Career Consultant
I have a strong belief that everything happens for a reason and having Chris come into my life really was definitely for a great reason. Chris is a great coach, both personally, and career. By helping me through some personal obstacles and blocks, I have not only grown at a personal level, but my career has taken a huge turn toward success. Very happy and grateful that I was able to meet Chris and work with him as well.
Sheri Sova, Primerica Financial Services
Chris' coaching increased my awareness of my coping mechanisms, allowing me to evaluate which were and weren't working. That awareness has helped me move outside my comfort zone and create new beliefs.
Erica Kohler, Certified Holistic Health Coach at Live Excellent Health and Wellness
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