A Familiar Sin
Posted on June 22, 2016 by Krishunna Smith, One of Thousands of Christian Coaches on Noomii.
This is the second entry from the "Love Is Patient" Blog. It describes the familiar deception women face when looking for love in the wrong places.
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. Genesis 3:6
Eve was deceived because she listened to the serpent’s promise of things he could not deliver. The serpent persuaded Eve that she would not die, but instead gain the knowledge of good and evil and even become equal with God. Eve was enticed by the serpent’s promises, she took the bait and today we all suffer for it.
The same is true of weak willed women. They are enticed and led astray by men who make promises that appeal to their fleshly desires. If the desire to be loved, in a relationship, or married is not birthed in a heart that is healthy and intimate with God; then it can only be birthed from a heart that wants to fill a longing in the flesh. Women with unhealthy desires willingly walk away from evidence, sound logic, and even the call of God. These women forsake all to follow vain imaginations and fantasies of what life will be like with this man.
They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, ~2 Timothy 3:6
Much like the serpent in the garden, men are presenting a different gospel. And the weak willed women are falling for it! That “different” gospel sounds like this, “God gives us grace” “we can do it and repent later”, or “It’s not a sin”. Prudent women will see this as an attack against their relationship with God, Weak willed women will reason within themselves, “There’s nothing wrong with this”
She will jump heart first into the relationship, all the while praying for God’s will. God is faithful and will always provide a way of escape. However the weak willed woman will be flattered by the red flags. Each warning light that goes off will only draw her closer to the man she desires to be with. She will reason within herself that she will just pray about it and God will change him. But it is never that easy.
We as women must learn to be content in whatever postion God has us in. We cannot allow ourselves to be decieved into thinking that somehow God is keeping something good from us. God’s ways are higher than ours and He is the only wise one. We must submit to His plan for our lives. If we take another path we will always find ourselves in trouble.
The single season has a very important purpose. God wants to solidify us in our identity. He wants to reveal Himself to us and connect with us on an intimate level. We will need this type of relationship with God first if we are to be successful on any level, and that includes relationships.
Steady the course ladies, do not look to the left or the right, commit to your singleness and experience God’s best. Have a blessed week ladies…Join us for our next teaching:” Love Is Only An Illusion”