You Need to Put Gold In The Pot To Have A Pot Of Gold
Posted on August 12, 2012 by Mark Darren Gregor, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
In making any investment, it is critical to be happily in alignment with that investment, otherwise the return of fortune may be lost.
When most of us think of investing funds to grow our business, we often carry with it a feeling of burden or obligation — a sense that if we didn’t have to invest the funds, we would be far happier not doing so. Yet because it’s what we believe we’re supposed to do, we move forward with investment begrudgingly. What doesn’t add up in this equation is that you are essentially saying you don’t believe in your ability be successful… you don’t believe in the quality of your product or service… you don’t believe in the many benefits of doing the investment. In other words, you don’t believe in your own business (or yourself).
When making an investment, it is so important to be sure that you are happily in alignment with that investment and the fortune it will bring you in return. Not all investments will result in what most perceive as “financial success”, but all will result in building your energetic “pot of gold.” It is not possible to invest in anything in life and not have it return to you in fold. How and when it returns to you may not be immediately evident (or in your desired timeframe), but rest assured that it all will come back to you in fold, in time, in fortune. Your staying in joyous, optimistic and grateful relationship with your investments is what will allow that return to come back to you sooner.