Is working hard right or wrong
Posted on January 22, 2025 by Ioana Marcu, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Most of us might have a very wrong belief about working hard,like a "must have"
Recently I started to work for a client on a customised management program on WLC – work-life coaching.
And after working with some clients already I realized that most of us might have a very wrong belief about working hard,like a “must have”. For example:
When we are learning, how are we told to learn- learn hard. If you do not learn hard, you might not have great opportunities.
When we are working, how do we believe we should work to have success and a great career? We should work hard.
After +25 years of working hard, I now know that it is not right or wrong. Sometimes we work hard, but if we do not have enough wise, we will destroy ourselves. This is wrong for the business as that will have more and more challenges to motivate and retain people, and wrong for us as work and career are more like a marathon than a sprint. Even if you feel that others are expecting us to run sprints all the time, what do you feel to be right for you? A marathon or a sprint?