Are YOU Ready for Retirement?
Posted on December 31, 2021 by Sandra Menzies, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
There is a lot of information out there about how much money you need to retire, yet not so on preparing YOU for retirement.
As we age, we may feel left-out or no longer the prodigy we once were. Understanding where we are can help us gather information about making our later career impactful.
1. Take a current work behavior inventory. Take stock of your feelings and behaviors during routine daily activities.
• How are you currently engaging at work?
• What are you doing well?
• What could you improve?
• How might you be contributing to your current work environment?
2. Brainstorm all the ways you can contribute to the organization. List what you have to offer. Be creative. Give yourself the permission to imagine taking risks and challenging yourself.
3. Envision yourself taking the action. Add as much detail into this visioning process.
4. Identify what actions you want to take and how to turn them into reality.
Now that you are staying engaged at work. Let’s turn our attention to planning how you want to live your retirement.
Ever wish you could wave a magic wand and suddenly you are retired and living an interesting and fulfilled life? My name is Sandy Menzies and I am a retirement coach. I help seasoned professionals clarify their later career goals, so they stay engaged while planning how they want to live their retirement. So that they leave their mark and transition into retirement with enthusiasm and clarity. My real job is to be your Jiminy Cricket or conscious. I help you clarify the life you want to live pre- and post-retirement and turn it into reality.