NLP For A Better Future
Posted on June 19, 2011 by Lindy Asimus, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Learn some secrets of NLP and plan for a better future with this article by Lindy Asimus
Sometimes it seems as though there is a secrets in life that nobody told us about. One of the better-kept secrets is how we store time. It hadn’t occurred to me until I was at some NLP training, that there was a different way that we code all that information that we call our past and how that relates to where we ‘put’ our future.
In fact that there are ways that people – other than consciously – store our memories. For some of us we store our memories ‘behind’ us, and we look back at our history, we actually do literally ‘look back’ to find the memories of what’s happened in our past. In the same way we look forward to what’s going to happen in the future and how that’s going to be something that we can move towards.
Yet other people store it in a different way, and they have their past in front of them and have their future in front of them, and they can see their past and their future together as though reading a book. Everything that happens in the future will relate to what happened in the past and for these people sometimes it is hard to let things go.
So I’d like you to think about… if you were to know… Where do you think your past is? Where do you think your future is?
Thinking about memories and the happy things that we recall from the past; the not-so happy things. When we think about those memories and we bring them to mind and some of them we can bring up in vivid detail and full colour… and we can remember what it felt like when we experienced that thing. We can remember the smells that were happening there… we can remember if there was a breeze or if it was still. And that can be very vivid. And yet what we don’t sometimes appreciate … is that we can create memories for the future.
If we think about the future that is to come and we think about putting forward into our future, all of the things that we would like to have happen… We can do that.
Another thing that is kind of a secret… is that the unconscious mind, really doesn’t care whether something’s true or not. If you can imagine it then you can create a memory. If you’re thinking about creating future memories it would seem like a really good idea to think about the things that you’d really like to happen in the future… and you can use this with your goal setting. To think about all the things that are important to you – things that you want to happen – when you are doing your five year plan… when you are doing your one year plan.
Think about “what’s the ecology…?” of all those things that will happen. What will happen if you get it? What will happen if you don’t get it … Create those well-formed outcomes and then put them into your future and then … Make them happen: As you want them to happen.
But be very careful. And think about the future…and think about what else that you may have put there without realising. Think about the things that you might be scared of, things that you might be dreading happening. Those are things that you don’t want to put in your timeline! So… if you think about the future and those things come up for you … that are not the things that you’d prefer to have in your future… then take them out right now.
Just plan for the things that you want to happen… And leave the rest behind.