Tali Schwartz Kefar Sava, HaMerkaz
Business Coach, Life Coach, Team Coach
EFT / TFT Master Practitioner
Kefar Sava, HaMerkaz
- Hourly Rate: $100 to $140 US Dollars
- Gender: Female
- Training: Adler International Learning, Inc.
About Me
So let me tell you a story:
Here the decor - a thirty-year-old woman suffering from a huge burn-out, 2 infants at home and a high tech demanding job that most would envy.
After 6 years and the comfort of a great salary and the security to be very well taken care of, she quit.
Why? Because each morning, she woke up dead inside. She quit because this job was not about her values. She quit because this job was not about her vocation, she quit because this job was only a step on her road to herself, to where she potentially would be really needed.
Fast-forward, 15 years later, she is an international coach with an ICF credential. Her job is her vocation. Her work is her passion. Why this story? Because this woman is me.
Why coaching?
Most of us don't have the first clue how to proceed when we really want something. No one teaches us a real proven method to achieve a change in career, a more satisfactory social life or a salary increase.
Most of us don’t have the first clue about how much our values are supposed to be our compass on our way to fulfill our vocation.
And for most of us this lack of method, this illusion that no solution is available to us is stucking us in a place where we will feel trapped, frustrated, angry and fed up with a life that is not ours and where we are not expressing our core self and values..
My job is to bring you clarity, about your values, your compass. My job is to show you through practice how to get what you want from your life. And when you acquire this method, well lady the sky is not even the limit anymore,
Contact me if you are hungry for this change.
Have a beautiful day.
5 reviews (5.0)
My experience with Tali has been very positive. I liked that she picks up on small things you say, and from there, makes you see how some of your way of thinking, habits, beliefs, are actually working AGAINST yourself. She also gives you tools as to how to get rid of these self-made tricks against yourself. She is very friendly and gentle, she gives a lot a good vibes and she is definitely on your side. I found her reliable and trustful, making you feel safe during the process. The whole work helped me concretely in my everyday life and in how I perceive myself, gave me more freedom and intuition to make my decisions, getting me closer to the life I want and to the person I want to be.
(en français) Tali Schwartz me coache depuis 3 mois. Ce processus a eu un impact important sur mon quotidien. Nous avons travaillé ensemble sur la prochaine étape de ma carrière et j'ai commencé à voir ma vision prendre forme dans mon quotidien. J'ai trouvé le courage de réaliser des changements dont je rêvais depuis un certain temps. J'étais bloqué et grâce à nos séances et au soutien de Tali, je progresse et je travaille sur mes prochaines étapes. Tali m'a aidé à voir les choses sous un angle différent, j'ai appris à reconnaître mes pensées limitantes dans mon dialogue intérieur et à mettre un point d'interrogation sur ces croyances. Ce qui m'a permis d'avancer. Je suis vraiment contente du processus. Il y a clairement un avant et un après. Bien qu'il n'ait pas été facile de faire face aux défis de ce processus, Tali a cru en moi, m'a soutenu et grâce à cela je me suis sentie en sécurité pour faire de la place à ma voix intérieure et l'exprimer dans mon quotidien. Je recommande vivement Tali, elle est définitivement la personne avec qui travailler si vous rêvez d'un changement que vous souhaitez créer dans votre vie.
Pnina Toker
Tali Schwartz has been coaching me for the last 3 months. This process has a very significant impact on my life. We worked together on my career next move, and I started seeing my vision come to life following our sessions. I gathered the courage to make changes that I did not dare for years, I was stuck and thanks to our sessions and Talis support, I am really progressing and working on my next steps. Tali helped me see things from a different angle, I learned to recognize my guardians in my internal dialogue and put a question mark on those beliefs. Which allowed me to move forward. I'm really happy with the process, it totally divides my life: before and after, Although it was not easy to deal with the challenges of this process, Tali believed in me, supported me and thanks to that I felt safe to truly listen to my internal voice and express it in my daily life. I highly recommend working with Tali, she is definitely the person to work with if you dream of a change you want to create in your life.
Pnina Toker
Tali has been coaching me for the last few months. My goals are slowly becoming reality (gaining self-confidence during a professional reconversion, believing my inner voice and improving my communication skills both in my professional and private life). With Tali’s help, I am creating a strategy to build the company I am dreaming of. Working with Tali allowed me to find a more peaceful daily life and gain confidence in my capacities. She is able to see beyond words and shows me my limiting beliefs while giving me a sense of security and deep listening. I feel protected and able to continue this path of change. Roxane
(en français) Tali me coach depuis plusieurs mois, je vois mes objectifs se réaliser petit à petit depuis que j'ai commencé le travail avec elle ( prendre confiance en moi et mes capacités lors d'une reconversion professionnelle, croire en ma voix intérieur et faire évoluer mes capacités de communication autant dans ma sphère professionnelle que privée). Avec l'aide de Tali, je suis en train de mettre en place une stratégie afin de créer ma propre société. Le travail avec Tali m'a permis de vivre un quotidien plus apaisé et de prendre confiance en mes capacités. Elle est capable de voir au-delà des mots et de me faire reconnaître mes croyances limitantes tout en me donnant une impression de sécurité et d'écoute profonde. Je me sens protégée et capable de continuer ce chemin de changements. Je vous la recommande les yeux fermés. Roxane
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