Samantha Tiller Kansas City, Missouri
Retirement Coach, Career Coach, Life Coach
Kansas City, Missouri 64111
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- Gender: Female
- Training: Coach U
About Me
Are you burnt out from too many years of a job depleting your energy? Are you out of touch with your sense of purpose?
Are you so excited about retirement, or that new position, but uncertain - or even terrified - of what it's really going to look like or how you will manage all of the changes?
I coach men and women who are at those crossroads. In this dynamic partnership, we will - together - create the action steps that will truly support you to get to where you want to go. We will - together - uncover the obstacles that are holding you back from living with peace and purpose.
I help clients take a big picture, holistic approach by thinking about all 8 Dimensions of life. Within each of these:
Spiritual - Social
Financial - Emotional
Occupational - Environmental
Intellectual - Physical
- there is a unique idea of balance for each and every person. When you have awareness about each of these dimensions you can start to make change. When you take ownership of defining what "wellness" or "balance" means to you in each dimension, you will feel prepared to navigate the changes ahead AND enjoy the journey.
I know what it feels like to be "playing small" or to be bogged down by fear and limiting beliefs. It's my mission to have more people on this beautiful planet living BIG! Sharing their gifts, talents, and joy with the world because they're living a life on mission that's aligned with their values and integrity. I'm an ICF Associate Certified Coach with training from the accredited program Coach U. I'm here to encourage, motivate, listen, and support you every step of the way.
5 reviews (5.0)
As my coach, Sam helped me with clarity. My professional relationships were muddled and in jeopardy; with coaching I was able to sift through the emotions and let go of the assumptions that weighed down all of my experiences. Coaching with Sam started with a very specific purpose, and soon I realized that my progress was not only applicable towards my goal, but also towards other aspects of my life.
Kathia, Career Consultant, Minnesota
I really appreciated the feedback and how she would listen and interpret how I was reacting to certain situations. It was almost like having a mirror for your reactions. Sometimes just having an honest, outside person reflect back on what you just said can give you so many great insights. Also, I really loved how it was so action-focused. That's another element I really needed in order to get my business off the ground
Rebecca, Marketing Consultant, Minnesota
Sam's greatest strength is the way she mirrors the client and allows the client to come to their own conclusions regarding deficiencies and areas of need. Her methods allow the client to identify issues in a non-judgmental fashion.
Mark, Lawyer, Kansas City
Before coaching I was at a loss for how to begin sorting through the process of preparing for my upcoming retirement. I had a tangible fear of what was coming, how I would handle it and what I could do once I did retire. I knew I needed guidance and direction from someone trained in helping others transition through this period in my life. Surprisingly for me, I have learned that this process requires a different approach than simply making a quick decision about a particular path to follow. Another unexpected discovery for me was the realization that by making intentional changes in my behavior and activities during my day I could begin to undo the damaging habits that had led to my sense of ‘burnout’ with career and my life. I am still in the discovery phase of this process and my goal is to work toward the practice of mindfulness and living in the moment in order to rediscover my creative side. Lumina has been instrumental in analyzing my perceived roadblocks as well as my goals for my retired life. Excellent suggestions for books, articles, TED talks, meditation practices have been a welcome aid to allaying my feeling of being lost in the transition.
Bob, Anesthesiologist, Kansas City
Before coaching, I had just started my first job teaching and moved out on my own…Both of these facts brought new stresses and emotions into my life that I hadn’t previously experienced. My main goal I had going into coaching was to be more patient with my students and be more efficient in my work, so that I could enjoy more of my personal life. Along the way, I was given several different articles, resources, and exercises to help me unlock and cope with my new feelings and understand them better….(these) helped me analyze and embrace my emotions instead of feel overwhelmed by them. (After coaching) I feel much more free and capable since I can regulate myself a bit better. You don’t realize how nice it is to talk about your problems and not be judged or talked over until you have the opportunity to do it.Coaching was valuable to have someone completely unbiased - not family – not coworkers. The partnership was empowering!
Alyssa, First Year Teacher, Florida