Brad Stevenson's Articles
The Committee "Where it ALL begins"
"When you are being driven by the adaptive self’s beliefs, the thinking is doing you as opposed to you doing the thinking."
How Authentic ARE YOU?
Authenticity itself can be an endeavor full of pitfalls and fears. Some people may not like or appreciate our authentic selves.
Being where your feet are! (the art of Presence)
In today's world, people seem to be in such a hurry, moving at light-speed, multi-tasking with cell phones, blackberry’s, day timers, ect...
Getting out of your OWN way!
We undermine ourselves, and make assumptions about what's possible, that restrict choices in our lives, and let our fears stop us from even trying---
Relationships "Yours, Mine, Theirs" Making them GREAT!
If you’ve ever given any thought to the challenges and complexities of relationships and why some couples do well and many don't,----?
Toward a Meaningful Life — Looking For Purpose?
True intimacy begins at home...from the inside out...and continues toward family, friends, community. How are you showing up?