Jeff Leisawitz's Articles
How to Re-Define Failure and Flip into Possibility
If you push forward on your creative dreams you’re infinitely more likely to succeed than if you bail out.
The Biggest Lie of the Creative Life
The biggest lie of the creative life is that you have to be inspired to make something great. Every successful creative knows this is true.
How to Blast Past the Bull to Get Sh*t Done
My dad had a theory of lists and piles. To organize any project, the first step was simply to put it in a list or move it into the correct pile.
Writing Into Your Subconscious
If we can’t access our hearts, we can't create anything from a powerful, soulful place. To create something great, it must be deeply authentic.
How to Veer in the Direction of Your Dreams
Once you truly decide to take action, the effect appears. The result appears. It simply has to happen.
Become Wonderful
Wonder is a state of being where there’s deep appreciation, play, curiosity and perhaps even a hint of magic.