CLEARING THE NOW: Managing Stress and Anxiety
Posted on February 10, 2020 by Oxana Johnson, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The intention of this process is to clear your now and organize your past and future so it is easier for unconscious mind to access and store info.
As you read this now, what is in your NOW?
Did your January have what seemed like 74 days in it? lol or did it fly by sooooo quickly that it felt like you were missing 5 of them or so?
Really, what belongs in your now is just this. You and this article… and, perhaps, your voice in your mind. But everything else either belongs in the future or past.
Now – are you ready to get reacquainted with the present moment?
The intention of this process is to clear your now and organize your past and future so your unconscious mind has an easier time accessing and storing information.
What you did yesterday, an hour ago or even 10 minutes ago belongs in the past. What you will do tomorrow, where you’re taking your family on the weekend belongs in the future. What belongs in the now is just this. You, this email and anything else that might be happening right here and now.
What you did yesterday, an hour ago or even 10 minutes ago belongs in the past. What you will do tomorrow, where you’re taking your family on the weekend belongs in the future. What belongs in the now is just this. You, this email and anything else that might be happening right here and now.
1. With eyes closed, notice how big your now is. With your hands in front of you identify how big it is – acknowledging the fact that like history has a timeline – your life has a timeline too. Imagine – identify where your past is – where your future is – but keep focusing on the NOW for now. And I also like to notice what is in my now… what is in your now? what is happening…. Now? Notice too how it is organised. And now, notice that your unconscious mind can organise what is in your now… putting the like with the like – family with family, work with work and so on…. that’s right….2. Then allow your unconscious mind to notice what is in your now that isn’t really a now thing… for example, that thing that you are going to do later today – it may be better in the future… and that thing that you just did before coming here, it may be better in the past. Notice that your unconscious mind can organise and transport those things in your now that belong in your future and past and put them there – in your future and past…. keep cleaning out all the stuff that does not belong in the NOW – until the only thing left is you – in your NOW – everything else should be either in the future or past.
3. After you go into where you store your future – and notice what is here… allow your unconscious mind to now organise the things here – putting like with like, even organising the near future and the distant future… this can happen easily and effortlessly, hasn’t it… that’s right… and when it’s all been organised
4. You go into where you store your past – and notice what is here… allow your unconscious mind to now organise the things here – putting the like with the like, … this can happen easily and effortlessly, hasn’t it…
You feel like everything is in order now. Don’t you? That’s right.
When you are ready, you can come back to the present moment and open your eyes.
What do you notice now?