The Anyway Manifesto
Posted on January 19, 2020 by Dr Colleen Georges, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Sometimes, when life is scripting a struggle, we must RESCRIPT a success anyway. Here’s a little manifesto to help us do just that.
In my work as a coach, I’m often working with clients who are feeling stressed, self-critical, stuck, or just plain frustrated with life. We all know that amidst the many responsibilities we carry, life can throw us challenges and obstacles too, and it can be tough to find the inspiration, motivation, and hope to keep pushing towards our goals anyway.
However, we were created to be resilient beings. While we don’t control all the situations we are faced with in life, we do control how we respond to them. When the Inner Antagonist’s voice inside our head tries to keep us stuck mentally reliving struggles and stressors, we must amplify the voice of our Inner Advocate to empower us. As I discuss in my book, RESCRIPT the Story You’re Telling Yourself, “We can acknowledge and feel the sting of life’s challenges without giving them the power to script our entire story. It might be a journey with some bumps and bruises, but each one adds to the depth of our own character and plotline.”
Sometimes, when life is scripting a struggle, we must RESCRIPT a success anyway. Here’s a little manifesto to help us do just that.
The Anyway Manifesto
• I cannot predict what lies ahead in my future, and I choose to keep moving forward with confidence anyway.
• I am not in control of everything that happens in life, and I choose to loosen my reins knowing I can handle what comes anyway.
• I don’t get to know what others are thinking about me, and I choose to feel secure and strong anyway.
• Life is not always fair to me and others, and I choose to live mine fully and fairly anyway.
• I don’t always get to know why things happen how they do, and I choose to accept ambiguity and move forward anyway.
• People will not always thank me for my kind actions, and I choose to be kind and feel happy anyway.
• Taking risks for my own growth leaves me open to failure, and I choose to experience the fear and take the risks anyway.
• I am not proud of some of my decisions in life, and I choose to learn from mistakes and forgive myself anyway.
• Sometimes important relationships will end, and I choose to cherish good memories and keep opening my heart anyway.
• I haven’t achieved all my goals yet, and I choose to feel proud of what I have accomplished anyway.
• I don’t possess every skill or resource, and I choose to feel abundance for my existing strengths and blessings anyway.