3 Steps to Using Astrology to Understand Your Life Purpose for Career Changers
Posted on January 17, 2020 by Suzanne Bellavista, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
How to use your astrology chart to identify your life purpose to help you find a job or career your love.
If you are ready to get a new job or change careers, it’s a great time to ask yourself, “What is my life purpose?” You may well already be asking yourself this question right now. When you do work in sync with your sense of purpose on this planet, you feel more motivated, energized, and fulfilled.
Because I am a spiritual life coach, I invite my clients to access their life purpose through soulful means. In particular, we look at the wisdom provided in their astrology birth chart and then explore more deeply by helping them connect to the voice of their higher self or soul.
Here’s how the process works.
#1: Discover Your North Node, the Symbol of Your Life Purpose
You probably know your sun sign in astrology—and maybe you even know your rising sign and your moon sign which give greater insight into your personality and your inner nature—but did you realize that your astrology chart also includes a symbol that indicates the reason you came into this life? It is called the North Node of Fate and it captures the essence of your life purpose! My mentor and karmic astrologer of more than four decades, Linda Brady, calls it your “soul mission.”
You can discover your North Node by working with someone like me who practices North Node astrology (not everyone does) or by picking up a copy of the book “Discovering Your Soul Mission: New Rules for a New Age” by Linda Brady, which provides tools for identifying and understanding your unique life purpose.
For Do-It-Yourself-ers, you can find your North Node by searching the Internet for “free astrology chart”; entering your birth date, city of birth and time of birth in a reputable website; and locating where the North Node symbol resides in your chart. The North Node looks like a pair of headphones. If you are unsure, search the Internet for “North Node symbol” and, “presto” you’ll get an image!
#2: Translate Your North Node Into Your Life Purpose
The North Node is a great starting point for understanding your life purpose because it provides us with two important pieces of information.
First, the North Node tells us what domain of life your purpose falls in. If your North Node is in the 11th house, you are likely called to work with groups and communities, using your unique gifts to give back to the collective.
If your North Node occurs in the 7th house of your astrological chart, you are likely fulfilled by working with people one-on-one or by doing work that allows you to engage in partnerships.
If your North Node is in the 3rd house, you may be drawn to working with children or in the fields of communications or research.
My North Node is in the 9th house of spirituality, higher learning, and publishing, which is why I enjoy writing and teaching concepts that help people explore their own spirituality.
Once you identify which house of your astrology chart your North Node “headphones” appear in, search the Internet to learn more about that house. This will give you clues as to the domain of life where your life purpose resides.
Second, you will want to identify what sign of the zodiac (Aries, Pisces, Taurus, etc.) your North Node is associated with as that will give you even deeper insight into the flavor of your life purpose or soul mission.
For example, those who have a North Node in Cancer are called to be nurturers in this lifetime. They may make good mental health counselors, elementary school teachers, or nurses.
Those who have a North Node in Taurus may be environmentalists, graphic designers, or landscapers.
My North Node is in Sagittarius—which is represented by the figure of half horse and half man with an arrow pointing to the heavens—which explains why I love helping people turn to the stars and the heavens to learn more about themselves.
Look at your astrology chart and see which astrological symbol appears beneath the North Node headphones symbol. Again, if you need help decoding the symbols, simply search the Internet for “astrological symbols” and you will find plenty of charts of the different zodiac symbols.
Once you determine which sign of the zodiac your North Node falls into, you can learn more about that astrological energy by searching the Internet on it, grabbing an astrology book, or working with a reputable astrologer.
#3: Talk to Your Soul to Refine Your Understanding of Your Life Purpose
As an astrologer, I will be the first one to tell you that astrology is simply a tool that opens a doorway to your own personal discovery. It provides us a starting point for understanding ourselves and our lives. The rest comes from self-reflection. The great new is that we came on earth equipped with a wonderful tool—our higher self or soul.
Our soul is that energetic part of our being that existed before we were born and will remain after our body passes. It is there to help guide us in every moment toward a life of meaning, joy, and purpose. So, when you are in the midst of seeking your life purpose, your soul is a great place to turn!
How do you access your soul?
- In your dreams: when we are asleep and our defenses are down, our soul is more able to speak to us. If you have a question about your life purpose, write it in your journal before bed and ask it as a question to your soul. When you wake, scan your dreams and journal about what stands out as important. Even a single moment or symbol can provide insight into your answer.
- In meditation: This one doesn’t have to be fancy. You can simply lay out your yoga mat or rest on your bed, set some relaxing music on your phone, cover your eyes with a clean sock or eye mask and have a phone timer handy. Again, write in your journal the question you are asking your soul and then lay for 15 minutes and allow your mind to drift. When you are done, write down any special phrases, images, or feelings you received in your quiet time.
- Through symbols: Your soul can speak to you by showing you a meaningful symbol during your daily life. Start by asking your soul your question about your life purpose, and then wait to see what symbols your soul puts in your path to wake you up to the answer. For example, you can ask, “Soul, when I am on the path of my life purpose, please show me a symbol that wakes me up to it.” Your symbol can come in any form—an animal that flits across your path, a song with words that are just for you, an unexpected statement from a person, or a license plate on the car in front of you that speaks to you. When your symbol pops up, ask yourself what you were thinking about at that moment or pay attention to your surroundings. Your answer is waiting in these areas.
The wonderful news is that your life purpose is real. If you have been longing to determine what yours is, you can. Finding out what your North Node is and asking your soul for further information can go a long way to helping you choose which job or career to go for next. Enjoy the journey!