The Magic in Me!
Posted on December 26, 2019 by Shraddha Attal, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Magic is defined as an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source- in this case the mind!
My younger one believes she has magic in her. During our recent visit to Disneyland, we faced some rain in the morning and she promptly got to work to use her “magic” to stop the rain.
Coincidentally, the rain did eventually stop and at the end of a wonderful day at Disney, she was equally thrilled about the magic she had in her. Her excitement was contagious, and I was compelled to agree with her!
When she encountered some resistance about the possibility of her having magic, she promptly responded- " I believe I have magic and that’s why I have it."
This got me thinking about how each of us possibly has magic within us. We are what we think, and we can do what we truly believe. Belief is so powerful; it can lead us to surpass our own expectations. While most of us are aware of this, we hardly ever let ourselves believe what we can potentially become.
Through various conversations with my clients, I have realised there is so much more to what we think of ourselves. What we believe we are- shapes our actions, relationships and experiences. Very clearly, there is that one thing which stops us from believing what we truly can be – or already are. Fear.
Fear- of failure, judgement, of not being good enough- is the manifestation of what we have told ourselves over and over. This monologue we have with ourselves is at a subconscious level, but it is a result of our experiences and what we take from them at a conscious level.
How our experiences have shaped us in the past is obviously not in our hands anymore- how we let them affect us in the present definitely is.
Consciously being mindful of what tell ourselves can help change what we believe we are capable of. If you really believe it and look closely, you will find that magic in you. It is there- take my word for it!
It is this magic which will help you create the change that you want and deserve. It will help you look over fear’s shoulder and see what you can potentially be. Exactly how my daughter made the rain stop- or at least she believed she did!