"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary."
Posted on May 29, 2011 by Ben Dooley, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Who'd'a thought that standing on a desk could make such a change in your life. I recommend that you try it. Or at least rent, "Dead Poet's Society".
“Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”
- Robin Williams, as Mr. Keating in “Dead Poets Society”
This movie, if you haven’t seen it, will stir your soul. Of course we’ve heard this quote a hundred times from everywhere else—from coffee mugs to T-shirts, and it’s been distilled and lost it’s resonance. It’s become a cliché for the “enlightened”. But in this film, the message rings loud and clear. “Gather you rosebuds while ye may,” as is said in the movie, because, we don’t have time to waste in our lives. What are we waiting for? The time has come to make a declaration to ourselves and to the world that we are up to amazing things, and we are not willing to sit and wait, but to take action. This is the one life we’re given, and we’re going to make the most of it…. RIGHT NOW!!!
In the movie, Williams tells his class to look at the faces of those who graduated long before them. To study their faces when they were young, hopeful, when everything was possible. In the end they’re all gone, none of them lasted forever and they are now “food for worms”.
Granted, we all don’t have our own special professor and hallowed halls to pass on this powerful lesson. But do we really need one?
Go to the photos on your walls, pull out your own albums. Invariably there are pictures of people that are now passed on. Yet, take a look at their picture. Take a good look. Listen. Do you hear them speaking to you? What’s that their saying?
“Seize the day. Make your life extraordinary.”
What is it that you are holding off? Scared to do? Waiting for? What happens when your life ends and you are “feeding daffodils” having not done what you were given this precious gift of life to do?
There are so many “what if’s” that grow into “if only’s” and “after I…” becomes “never I…”
The phrase is “Seize the day,” not “Seize tomorrow,” but RIGHT NOW.
So I challenge you, dear reader, to Seize today, right now. Stand tall on your desk and declare what you are here for, and then do something today to get closer to your goal.