Empathy and Action
Posted on November 18, 2019 by Nermine N, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Empathy and Action
How many times have I acted or, at least, wanted to act, upon what other people feel because I know what they feel and feel it with more intensity than they do?
Wondering what I should do with all that data received from people around me. Should I just know it, and observe? Should I step in?
Until I realized that strength is a two-edged knife that can hurt its owner…
Having always the will to assist others or guess their needs before they even have to ask, is not always appropriate.
First, because one takes a person’s struggle away from them, and along with it, the amazing and irreplaceable outcome and fruit of wisdom. Even if the job of a person is just to learn how to ask for help.
Second, because one always ends up being the strongest one, the hero, the one that can exist only in the old paradigm, where there must be a victim and a savior.
Third, because this empathy states that love is giving and that receiving does not need to be part of the equation…only until the well is dry!..
Fourth, because empathy IS part empaths’ job, not a mere hobby after they finished doing whatever they do not like to do
Fifth, because one ends up always doing the job for free, often failing to even ask oneself, “what is in it for me?”…
“What is in it for me?” Is this question selfish? Childish? I found out that no, it isn’t.
It is THE question that balances the impulse of wanting to step in, that looks at both sides, the giver and the receiver, with great respect, trust in life and in a person’s abilities.
Also, it humbles, forcing us to look inside at what we need instead of fleeing from ourselves through the help to others…