Relationships and Letting People Be Who They Are
Posted on November 16, 2019 by Holly 'Coach Honey' T, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
I wanted to briefly address some key points that are important for authenticity and intimacy in relationships.
From the Water for Your Mind Show, Episode 2 “Relationships Part 1: Letting People Be Who They Are” Increasing consciousness to sculpt the lives we want to live, on purpose.
Blessings everyone!
Now, there are tons of books on relationships out there many of which I and my clients have perused but I wanted to briefly address some key points that are important for authenticity and intimacy in relationships.
We really have to allow people to be who they are and hold space for them. Especially, the people that we claim to love. Remember that loving someone is not trying to manipulate them to act in a way that serves you. Loving someone is just having someone to love, the way that they are.
I know sometimes we might say that we don’t always get to just pick and choose our friends but you can pick and choose what you focus on in a person or what to partake in, through a relationship. So, if it happens to be the type of situation where you don’t really have so much in common with someone but you really value their friendship and who they are as a person…or at least some aspects of who they are as a person, focus on that. Allow that to grow. Allowing that to grow could mean choosing activities and conversations that are only going to magnitude the qualities that you love in a person — and I would hope that they could do the same with you.
One of the big tenets of my life is that you want to treat people how you would like to be treated. I am pretty sure that you would not like anyone to try to mold you into anything that you do not desire to be. Trust me, this will set you and them free.
Peace and love ya’ll
Coach Honey
This article was derived from my Water For Your Mind Show available for listening now on Youtube, Soundcloud and Facebook