The Conscious War and Shadow
Posted on October 31, 2019 by Shayna Jai, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
This blog is to bring awareness to the internal war with live with along with it's shadow who keeps us in the war, and, how to make simple changes.
Do you know you are a spiritual being and are still confused by some of the concepts you hear from teachers?
Does your mind drive you into concepts or thoughts that scare you?
Do you want more than anything to be free of fear and can’t seem to get there yourself?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then read on. If you’ve answered no to any of these question then stop reading here.
The internal battle, the war inside is ending – now. Take it up to the next rung of the ladder, you are the light and are ready!
Do you say things to people that you wish you could take back, then bully yourself with it?
Is your personality leading your life instead of sitting quietly and watching and creating it?
How can we even begin to see a world without war and conflict if the internal war still resides within us? Peace is not just a great idea, and something to desire, it is a truth that we have the ability to grow and live in. It takes conscious effort to retrain the conscious mind to ‘see’ the unconscious and stop the internal battle that lives there. To relax, to have peace.
You can actually learn to live wholly grounded in PEACE. The teachings are available to us all, and they are not new, they are ancient and applying them to our time now can seem like a mind-boggling mess. Confusion, mixed with deep desire will continue to create ego strength, resistance and discouragement . . . in lock down! Our consciousness will constantly keep looking to ‘save’ us, ‘protect’ us and keep us ‘safe’. You might be feeling the calling at this time to open up and release the safety parachute of the ego and fly into what’s right for you without the battle!
These multiple conditioned beliefs lurking in our thought patterns and are desperate to have freedom! Our gentle kindness and respect of ourselves can move through these unconscious patterns, one baby step at a time, at our own pace, to give us the confidence, excellence and love we are looking for in our lives – now!
THIS PROGRAMMING IS INCLUSIVE ~ that means we are ready to include the shadow side of ourselves and end the war with that darkness within! The shadow does not like the light, so it’s job is to continuously bring in another piece of the shadow to disturb your peace. And, our gift of strength at this time is that we can ‘see’ it when it’s happening and release the shadow for what it truly is and keep our conscious mind/thoughts focused on the now moment.
Shazna Jai (pronounced Shayna)
Sessions on zoom private chat or phone and recorded