Struggling Behind the Scene of Life
Posted on October 26, 2019 by Taunya Wright, One of Thousands of Health and Fitness Coaches on Noomii.
Life is always offering us something. Just like the seasons' change, events in our life do too. Each of us has a story that is uniquely ours.
Things are not always as transparent as they appear to be. How others see you or how you perceive others on the surface is not the whole story. The struggles we each face in life runs deeper than what can be seen with the naked eye. This blog is not to call you to acknowledge everyone else’s struggle or to put yours on display. It is to bring attention to the fact that we are all wrestling or struggling with something. The task is to decide what to do during your struggles. Some are tempted to think others have it so much better, thinking the grass is greener on the other side. A comparison can’t be made until you know the true struggle of what you think is so much better or the price that has been paid for what they have. Again, that is not the focus. Here I present 3 options for those who are struggling.
Face the Fight
Honestly, some things are just hard to face. Yet, we must meet them face to face to work through them, find clarity, and overcome. Your struggle may involve a relationship with a spouse, a friend, or a family member. It could be about your job or a health issue. Whatever it is there is hope for you. Sometimes it takes knowing your options and being comfortable with the outcomes once you have done your very best to resolve the issues you are struggling with.
I have found a few helpful ways to work through options. If you have someone you trust and who is willing to listen, perhaps they can shed some light or offer a different perspective. Practicing meditation and having a faith you believe in maybe another way. Most of all, understand that putting off a resolution only means you must face it another day.
Take a Break
Once you have faced your fight, you may feel depleted of energy. Taking a mental break from worrying gives your mind a chance to rest. Constant worry only puts you in a state of mental distress, especially after you have done all you can do. It may not seem reasonable to let yourself rest for a day or even a week, I understand. Sometimes our daily routines don’t have space for it. But if you could find thirty minutes or an hour to just do something mentally relaxing you can recharge and refocus. Separating yourself temporarily from your struggle allows you to view it from different angles. Sometimes we are just too close to see solutions or core pieces of the problem.
They tell you when taking a flight to put your oxygen mask on first before helping someone else. This is good advice in life too. How much more effective could we be to others if we took the time to care for ourselves?
Sometimes to get past a hard spot you must refocus your mind, energy, and behavior. It may take a total shift in a different direction. Remind yourself of your purpose, goals, and priorities. Often these are enough to get you refocused and back in the game. Other times our struggles make us feel less of the person we are. Don’t allow yourself to wallow too long there. You are a unique individual with talents and purpose. Use your refocusing time to examine your environment, the people you spend time with, and the activities you engage in. Do they fit with the goals you have set? Sometimes old things must be cleared out and new things brought in. Even changing your furniture around or organizing a space in your house is enough to refocus your mindset.
The struggles are real for each of us. I encourage you to hang on to hope and find a reason to continue in joy and peace. I know it’s not always simple to do, but the reward is priceless. Patience, focusing on your purpose and goals, and constantly reminding yourself of the wisdom you have learned will get you there. And remember to share a smile or encouraging word, you never know who is struggling behind the scenes of life!