Posted on October 26, 2019 by Priyanka Dutta, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Let’s ask an honest question to ourselves: How many of us have been living a life designed & created by you?
“Your own heart never lies. Ask, ‘What is the right action for this moment?’ Follow your deepest truth.” – Brandon Bays
There’s a difference between being arrogant, defying all perspectives and following one’s own truth. When you defy, you are closing yourself to see the possibilities. But even after being open to seeing all possibilities, the path that you follow is your truth and it is powerful. Let’s ask an honest question to ourselves: How many of us have been living a life designed & created by you? Was this your truth to live a life that you are living, or you were moulded, conditioned & influenced to live this life?
I was having a conversation with one of my clients the other day and during the session he expressed sadness, anger & rage concerning where he has landed in his life. He was at a transitioning phase & was at a crossroad figuring out which path to follow. One path led to a life that he had already lived, given up for a while & then got back to it again to now stand in the crossroad. The other path was a life of his passion, fun, creativity, joy but that didn’t fit in the “should-be” life that we live in. He was fearful of living the life that he wanted to create because then that would from his point of view mean seclusion from the world that he was into. But the point is, by refraining ourselves from not experiencing that life that we want to live, are we not secluding ourselves from our own truth? Are we not living a lie? Do we want to carry this lie to our grave feeding our fears or do we want to live it by feeding the possibilities? Well, that’s a choice that we have to make, and I understand that this isn’t easy. But again, anything good doesn’t come easy. It requires us to show up in a different way.
The life of “should-be”, “must-be” totally restricts us from unleashing our possibilities. It doesn’t allow us to take the leap from rationality to miracles. Deep down, there’s a voice within that guides us to our own truth, but we shrug it off and over time we become indifferent to that sound. It no longer matters to us. We become good at carrying that pain, we become comfortable doing that. But we pay a price. The best gift that we can give to ourselves and life is by not hiding our gifts. I have lived my share of life in “should-be” and “must-be”. But after being in this coaching space, I have realized my own truth and I am living it. I want to live the life that is created & designed by me. I dream of miracles and I believe in it. Now after tasting this elixir, all I want to do is, support my people and unleash them from the trap that they are living in.
“How to unleash the trap?”, asks my client. To this I reply, “Start by asking these questions:
1. Instead of what I should be doing, ask what you want to do in life?
2. How would your life be when you do what you want to do?
3. What is getting in your way?
These questions are powerful enough to help you to reflect and be aware. Because awareness leaves you with choices that you never thought before. It is up to you, what you do with these choices.”
Finally, my client chose the path of freedom from one’s own shackles & joyfully embraced uncertainty, he took the leap beyond rationality & restraint. The joy lies being in the journey, not in the destination. And the journey becomes joyful when our body, mind & heart is in symphony.
Leaving you with this poetic reflection:
I seek for freedom,
Yet I pull myself in the dungeon;
I want to be happy,
Yet I don’t want to be free.
I have an epiphany,
I allow myself to be in symphony….
- Love & respect,
Priyanka Dutta