Is if find our Passion, or explore our Curiosity?
Posted on September 29, 2019 by Gregory Copploe, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Be curious and through this exploration of curiosity you may find the passion you have been looking for.
I recently listened to Elizabeth Gilbert on Oprah’s Super Soul Podcast and I was inquisitively inspired by her message. Liz used to travel the world doing book tours and speaking about finding your passion. She told the world to find that one thing that you love and finish it, fulfill it and make it happen. How many times have we heard someone preach find your passion or fulfill your dreams?
For many, we are lost on a road with too many choices and nothing seems to emerge with a calling or momentous power that pops out to greet us. We simply toggle along fulfilling our daily routine plugged into a monitor that flat lines most of the time. No hills, no valleys, just us protecting ourselves from the world as we perch ourselves in a position of power by discarding our vulnerability and pain.
We feel a separation and loneliness because that passion that we were supposed to find never arrived. We can’t fulfill our passion and we certainly can’t realize our dreams if we don’t have any dreams to claim as our own.
Liz asked all of us to do one thing, and I found it poignant and pleasurable to digest the message without feeling the pressure that somehow she was leaving a large group out of the equation. She asked us to be curious. She asked us to walk through doors and archways that may seem strange and unusual, but to walk through them none-the-less. To take a small risk and arouse our curiosity, to open our mind to new possibilities as we collide with something fresh and alive. We awaken our soul to new possibilities through our sense of curiosity.
The monitor that we were once plugged into which displayed a line of zero expression, suddenly peaks and dips as our curious mind shifts our energy into the vulnerable. It is here that we find that special something. It is here that we find that power, that voice that whispers to us that we can create and manifest something special that is all our own. When our curiosity props open that small inkling of a space beyond the door, we admit that we are ready to digest and embrace something outside of our routine. We are ready to create and experience something new by curiously walking through a unique doorway we feared to open before.
Be curious. Ask questions. Try new things. We don’t know when our passion will collide and arrive before us. The only way we can seek it out and realize our dreams is to be curious enough to create them. Let them unfold organically as we open a thousand doors and walk through them with no expectation other than to allow our curiosity to explore. It is this exploration which provides us with a new perspective as our vulnerable self opens itself up to new possibilities. These new curious possibilities easily morph into a calling that we can uniquely call our passion and purpose as we strive to find our greatest potential. What we believe is strength, is actually a stripping away of ego and power as our vulnerable self finds the authentic strength within. A sense of curiosity rips us open so the light that was blocked inside the encasement, can crack open and emerge.
Love and Light.