The Energy of Cussing
Posted on January 17, 2010 by Kimberly Brenner, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Cussing is not a bad word.
The Energy of Cussing
Every once in a while I run across someone who has never cursed and I find their energy a bit strange. As if it is difficult to read it; probably because I have not lived my life completely free from cussing. But when I give up cussing and I can read the energy void of cussing I find it feels religious or pious. People have mixed feelings about being religious or pious; as if we were that we could be made fun of. You know, being called a Goody-Goody or perceived weak.
I remember someone telling me that the first phrases one learns in a new language is how to cuss. It would seem we love to tell people off, to let them know, “don’t trifle with me”. And where we use this is when we feel that other person is somehow bigger than us in the moment.
Has anyone ever had another driver cut you off? I have, and my reaction was to scream obscenities at him and add in hand gestures. In hindsight I was letting him know that I was bigger then him and he better not mess with me. I was pushing my energy out to knock him out of my space. Cussing became my power weapon. Because when I felt alone in the world I had to arm myself with a power weapon, my anger. And cussing was such a weapon. It wasn’t until I aligned myself with a power higher than myself that I found I no longer needed to hide behind the anger power words, i.e. cussing and found how to use love power words, i.e. affirmations.
Rather than saying F*** You I now say Bless You with the same forceful energy. Rather than saying God D** I now say I Wanted That To Happen. This shift created an energy balance, one where I am not weak or pushing back. Try it and let me know how power phrases worked for you.
Kimberly Brenner LCSW, BCD
Intuitive psychotherapist and energy traveler