Manage your time in 7 steps
Posted on September 19, 2019 by Yasmina E Jimenez, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Seven time-management tips for small business owners: seven ways you can do a better job protecting your time now!
You can’t manipulate or magically modify time, but you can manage the things you need to do within the time you have to do them. Here are seven time-management tips for small business owners: seven ways you can do a better job protecting your time now!
1) Track your time;
2) Identify your biggest time wasters;
3) Use the pomodoro technique;
4) Apply the 80/20 pareto rule;
5) Delegate but don’t renounce your throne;
6) Avoid your employees and chatty clients at all cost;
7) Be careful with common distractions;
Need support to establish new time-management habits, give us a call!
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