What is Emotional Intelligence and Why Does It Matter?
Posted on September 10, 2019 by Gary Hirsch, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
It's not enough to know your stuff. You have to know yourself.
Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that influence how we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships and cope with challenges. While Emotional Intelligence is not the sole predictor of human performance it has proven to be a key indicator. Emotional Intelligence is not static. Rather one’s emotional intelligence changes over time and with proper assessment and training can be enhanced over time.
Daniel Goleman identified five primary aspects of emotional intelligence.
Self awareness helps us to understand ourselves and our motivation, and how we impact other people.
Self regulation helps us control our impulses and think before we act.
Empathy helps us understand others and interact accordingly.
Internal motivation includes our passion for our work–it’s what keeps us going beyond compensation and external rewards.
Social skills make it possible for us to manage our business and personal relationships.
According to Inc.com, Emotional intelligence has become one of the most sought-after qualities in business. HR directors look for that characteristic in new hires. Talented employees judge their bosses on whether they’re emotionally intelligent. And most recently, companies like MergeLane are getting wise to the fact that emotional intelligence equals higher revenue and have begun investing in women-owned businesses for that very reason.It should be obvious how improving one or more of these aspects of emotional intelligence can go straight to the bottom line.