Take a New Approach for Success
Posted on May 15, 2011 by Kelly VanReeth, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The ability to take a new approach can seem daunting. Use these helpful tips as you make your personal commitment.
Why is it that when you lock your keys in the car you continue to pull on the handle thinking it will open?
So you did it again! How many times do you need to lock yourself out of the car before you learn better?
We ask ourselves this type of question in many life experiences. It may come up during a situation at work, with family, in personal relationships and during other decision making opportunities we encounter.
Being able to take a new approach to these situations will help to subside the:
• Why did I do that again?
• If I only would have listened to my gut!
• I can’t believe I said that out loud.
So what should you do to start this change in your current, comfortable but sometimes damaging approach? First give yourself a break! In reality no one wants to do the wrong thing or hurt someone’s feelings. In most cases our intentions are good and sound, we just get stuck.
Here are some steps on how to get started with taking a new approach for success.
1. Be aware and committed to make a change.
2. Document each situation that you seem to sabotage.
3. Take this list and pull out the commonalities. Ask yourself if this only happens with certain people, during certain times of the day, etc. Document how are you feeling in your body (head, gut, etc.) during these situations.
4. Now that you know where you have been and what was unsuccessful, write down what you envision success looking like. Fantastic now you have your ideal goal.
5. When you think about this goal what are some of the details needed to make it a living goal? Do you need to focus on your communication skills, is time management a pitfall, do you need to change the stress in your body?
6. You get to customize how to do this. In this step there is not a one size fits all.
7. Try your new approach out in small areas of your life. Be aware how you feel and how others seem to be reacting. Take it slow and don’t expect to change overnight. Promise to continue even if the ride may be bumpy.
8. Remember to celebrate your accomplishments. You might think that is odd because you only accomplished what seems like small steps. It is a step!! A step you committed to and followed through on. Don’t sell yourself short.
You are well on your way with making a successful transition in how you approach situations with people, work and your own needs. You connected the dots from what was to what you desire!!