My Hero's Journey - Coach Jacqueline
Posted on August 25, 2019 by Jacqueline Jimenez, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
My journey and transition from an employee at Corporate America job into business ownership.
How this transition had changed my way of being.
The Hero’s Journey – Mythic Structure of Joseph Campbell’s
Act One of Three – Ordinary World – 5 Stages- by Jacqueline Jimenez
Are you ready to embark into the Hero’s Journey? A journey that will take you from the known world – (Ordinary World) into the Unknown World? Are you scared of the unknown? I am here to call you into your own Hero’s Journey and into your Call to Adventure, are you ready?
How many of you watched the movie Star Wars? How many of you watched the movie The Wizard of Oz? What about the movie The Matrix? If you love the movies as much as I love them, you probably know that these 3 movies were blockbusters movies. All these 3 movies used the 12 Stages of the Hero’s Journey as their structure for the creation of these movies? Joseph Campbell’s book, The Hero With a Thousand Faces and adapted by Christopher Vogler is the Twelve Stage Hero’s Journey.
Act One – Ordinary World – As my own story begins in the Ordinary World – this is where the Hero’s exists before his present story begins, oblivious of the adventures to come.
My Hero’s Journey began with a Call to Adventure from Jessica Rubio. I was living my life depressed and suffering from anxiety, but I was living in my comfort zone. I was just “functioning” living day by day. A life that felt like an ordinary routine of getting up 2 hours before my start time at work, get to work by 9:30 a.m. and leave the office around 6:30 p.m. My life felt like I was replaying a movie with the same story every single day.
Jessica had called me several times to offer me the opportunity to attend a weekend retreat at her church. She knew that I was living a life of fear, depression and even a life with no faith. She knew in her heart that it was important for me to attend this retreat, to start living my life out of my comfort zone and to start facing new challenges in my life. She was right!
Refusal of the Call – I was eager to start the retreat, but I was also having some doubts and fears and even second thoughts about whether the retreat was for me or not. I later decided to attend since I felt that I will suffer somehow if I did not attend this retreat. My ordinary world and my way of being at the time were comfortable to me.
How many times do we have friends calling us and telling us to attend a seminar or a conference that can change your life? When was the last time that you told your friend that you were going to attend but at the last minute you decided to stay home?
Meeting the Mentor – at this turning point where I needed guidance, I meet with the mentors at this retreat. I was given several objects to hold during this weekend that were of great importance. These mentors offered me with insights into all the dilemmas that I was facing at that time. Their wise advice, practical training, and the stories that the other ladies share during that retreat gave me a new sense of self-confidence and the courage to begin my Hero’s Journey.
During that weekend is when I felt that I had rediscovered the purpose of my life. The UNKNOW – INITIATION – Crossing the threshold (beginning of transformation) – I was now ready for my transformation by reconnecting with my faith and reconnecting with my emotions. I was there willingly, and I was going to finally cross the threshold between the known world (ordinary world) and the unknown. I now have my faith back and I know now that I have unconditional love.
Crossing the threshold for you maybe is to move from your parents’ house into your own apartment. You will be doing something that you were scared to do before. This action signifies your commitment to your own Hero’s Journey and whatever it may have in store for you.
Are you ready for your call to adventure?
Are you ready for your own Hero’s Journey?
Are you willing to go from the world into the unknown world?
What is waiting for you at the other side of that threshold?
Are you afraid of the enemies, the obstacles in your path, the challenges?
Are you willing to transform into a new human being with a new purpose in your life?