Life Productivity
Posted on August 21, 2019 by Kishore Yasarapu -YK, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Productivity Blockers and Boosters :There are certain things which will make you move forward in your life and which will give you long term happiness
There are certain things which will make you move forward in your life and which will give you long term happiness and fulfillment, etc..What are these things? We will see what these are. These are called “Boosters”. At the same time there are many things which will drag you down in your life (real productivity killers), what I call these as ” Blockers”. What kind of Booster and Blockers come to your mind? These are definitely NOT the superficial things. These are inside out items mostly.
For most people these are unknown for most of of their life. Lets look at what could be some possible blockers first? Listing down few..
Disempowering Beliefs (Beliefs which are not helping you in your life)
Low Self-esteem or Low Self Confidence, etc
All Negative Emotions (Fears, etc)
Negative Value System (too much Ego)
Wrong Goals (ego driven, revenge driven, insecurity driven, etc)
Your own biology (yes, this can be a blocker)
Any kinds of pattern and behaviors (negative)
All kinds of addictions
Having a mission or passion for life
Very strong empowering beliefs
Good Value system
Living beyond yourself
Awakening (this is not a light coming on your head but basically means you know what is useful and what is junk)
These are just to give you an idea on what will possibly and REALLY can give you productivity vs what will drag you down. We will go little deep into these boosters and blockers in the coming days.
Serious request to YOU – What has been your boosters and what has been your blockers?. Now think about your traditional productivity stuff in relation to these. I hope you understand where we need to focus when we really want to achieve REAL PRODUCTIVITY in LIFE.